✳️Madara pt. 2✳️

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Hehehe, it's back. It's terrible. But fun. Puds is here and ready to finish what I've started.

~Y/n Pov~

Confusion seeped into my brain as my eyes opened. I'd been dead for years, what was happening? I wasn't quite sure until I looked around to see Hasirama and his younger brother, Tobirama.

"What's going on?" My soft voice spoke as Hashirama's face lit up seeing me.

"Y/n! You're here t-" Hashirama spoke getting cut off.

"It seems we've been reanimated." Tobirama spoke harshly while giving a glare to a group of people I couldn't really see.

"Hmm, I see." I state, looking around at the others. I stare at the one with blonde hair. I recognized them all but him.

"Who's that? I ask Hashirama.

"I'm the fourth Hokage, ma'am." He looks at me with a bright smile.

"You're quite young, that's good. Konoha must have developed a good training program." I smiled at him. I started to think about how much time has passed since my death.

"Orochimaru, who's that?" A sharp voice interrupted my thoughts. I looked over towards the unknown group and saw a pale man with long hair speaking to another seemingly younger boy who glared at him.

"That, Sasuke, is the dead wife of Madara Uchiha." Orochimaru spoke and my breath caught in my throat. I felt my chest start to hurt as I remembered the man I once and still loved.

"But what part could she possibly play in defeating Madara?" Sasuke spoke.

"She was once one of the world's greatest Shinobis and also not to mention, she might create some emotional pain," The snakey man said with an evil laugh.

"Why would you waste the jutsu on her anyways, I don't even know who that is," A white haired boy stepped out from the shadows.

"Suigetsu! Don't be rude to her! She could beat you into a pulp!" A redhead came over and hit the kid with sharp teeth.

"You're right to not mess with her. She stabbed Madara when we were kids." Hashirama laughed and wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

"You make it sound like I did it on purpose. I'm no monster, Hashirama." I send him a glare and see him shiver.

I saw the kid with the sword and turn around and I catch eye of that ever so familiar symbol on his back. I gasp slightly and run up to him and grab his shoulder. He shrugs my hand off and glares at me. He looks so familiar.

"Y-you're an Uchiha?!" I ask though it's fairly obvious. "H-how's the clan doing?"

I see a pained look grace his face and I begin to get confused again. "Has something happened?" I ask concerned.

"M-my brother, he killed them all, for the sake of the village. They planned a coup d'état." Sasuke says with a pained face, "So I must destroy the village to avenge him."
My eyes as well as Hashirama's widen at the bold statement.

"Why would you want to do that?" Hashirama asks panicked. They then get into a conversation of Hashirama convincing him why not. I begin to once again get angry as I hear of Madara's true "death". I was heart broken for so long. We soon made our way to the battlefield.

~time skip to where the ten tails gets summoned~

A giant shock wave came through as I struggled to stay on my feet. My eyes widened as I saw a glimpse of the ten tails.
"Hashirama, what are we gonna do?" I ask, my voice slightly trembling.

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