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Yo it's puds back from the dead.


I sat on my bed, watching the minutes tick by. I become more impatient every time the second hand made it back to the twelve. Worry filled my chest every moment that Obito was on a mission. I knew very well that he could handle himself, but that didn't stop me from being concerned.

I jumped slightly when the door swung open to reveal an agitated Obito, still clad in his robe and his mask. He let out an aggravated groan before closing the door and taking his mask off, throwing it away. He takes a seat on the other side of the bed and rubs his face with his hands.

"I-uh, Obito, are you alright?" I say, nearing him while trying to keep a calm composure.

"I hate acting like a damn child!" He raises his voice, stress seeming to build on his features, "I can't do anything on these missions besides throw bombs and hope they work!"

"I-is there anything I can do?" I say, shock still evident due to the sudden change in mood.

He just sits there with his head in his hands, his breathing noticeable. I shuffle over towards him, standing up and walking in front of him.

"Obito, it'll be okay. It'll all be worth it, whatever your achieving, in the end." I say calmly, seeing his shoulder relax slightly. I stand kind of in between his legs wrapping my arms around his upper torso, pulling his into my body.

I run my fingers through his hair and stay sort of still as he regains his composure and relaxes. His arms wrap around my back, pulling me back into him. He rests his head on my chest and we stay silent for a few moments, the tense atmosphere beginning to change.

As I break apart from this, I begin to speak. "Why don't you lay down for a bit?" I suggest as he nods and moves to lay his head on the pillow. I walk away to grab some items when he makes a noise, stopping me in my tracks.
He waves me back over and pats the spot next to him. I walk over, confused at this want of affection. It was never like this with Obito. We would only show affection to each other when he was stressed or angry.

I lay down next to him, my heart fluttering as his arm wraps around my waist, pulling me into his embrace. His head rests on my shoulder as I feel him loosen up.

He reaches foreword to turn the bedside lamp off, leaving the room in darkness. I make a decision to turn myself around so I'm now facing him. His arms still wrapped around my waist, I reach my hand up and caress the damaged side of his face. He leans into my touch which only encourages me to continue what I'm doing.

Though it was nearly pitch black in the room, my movements were swift and precise. I remove my hand from his face and wrap my arm around his neck. Though there was slight irritation from him not doing anything, every time I pulled away incase of his discomfort, he would grumble slightly, signaling for me to continue.

I rest my forehead against his as we stay like this for awhile. I feel him becoming increasingly tired, his chakra levels becoming sensibly low. I hear rhythmic breathing escaping his mouth as he falls asleep.

I smile at his resting state while attempting to rest myself. I press a kiss against his cheek as I realize that escaping his grasp was nearly impossible. I settle in, preparing to be there for awhile.

I feel dumbfounded at the fact that he showed this much affection towards me even with the whole Rin being dead situation. He always made it seem like he was nothing inside after her death, but doubts came to my mine as his grasp on me stayed strong.

Yo wattup? This is really short but it's all I could come up with.

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