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hey it's toots i decided to write a neji one but i've already scrapped it twice so here goes attempt numero tres. it'll be good i think

okay it started off good but the ending is C R A P


"If you would've watched where you were going we wouldn't be in this mess," Neji snapped at
me, and I shot a glare at him.

"Maybe if you hadn't been scolding me for the millionth time today, I would've been more alert," I shot back, and he hmph-ed before turning away from me. I smiled smugly to myself, he knew I was right. I continued healing the nasty cut on my arm from an enemy's kunai trap.

Neji and I were on a mission to deliver a sensitive scroll to the Land of Wind; we had just left yesterday and were finishing our travels in the forest. Lady Tsunade had warned us that there were other ninja who were in pursuit of this information and to be careful. We were not to engage until it was absolutely necessary.

From the moment we left the village, Neji began picking apart every little thing I did; he was relentless, and this wasn't the first time. Whenever we went on missions together, which only happened a couple times, he was like this. When we were hanging out with our mutual friends, he was as passive aggressive towards me as he could possibly be.

As he was scolding me for moving too slow, even though I was going the exact same speed as he was, I tripped over a trap. This triggered kunai to come flying out at us unexpectedly, one of which flew past my shoulder and cut it deeply. We rushed out of there before any enemy ninja could come find us, but the whole way Neji wouldn't stop reminding me that it was my own fault.

In reality, the blame was on both of us. It was his fault for distracting me with trivial critiques and mine for allowing myself to get distracted. That's how he ended on standing in front of me on the tree branch while I healed my cut with the small amount of medical ninjutsu I knew.

"How long does it take to heal a cut?" Neji looked over his shoulder at me, the look on his face was harsh. I huffed loudly as I took some bandages from my ninja pouch.

"It was a large cut," I defended, wrapping my arm. He rolled his eyes at me and at that point I had endured all I could with him. I was through with him acting all superior to me, because he wasn't. He was just a big jerk who liked to pick me apart for no reason.

I threw the bandages onto the branch roughly and stood up. He turned around and glanced at the bandages then up to me, his ever present annoyed expression on his face.

"I have had it with you and your nitpicking." I pointed a finger accusingly at him, and for a moment he looked surprised. "You have no right to tell me what I'm doing right or wrong, and you have no right to yell at me for no reason!"

"How the hell am I supposed to control how fast medical ninjutsu can heal a cut this bad?" I pointed to my arm, getting angrier by the minute. "You think you're so much better than me, but you aren't! You're just a stuck up jerk who acts like they are above everyone else!"

"But you aren't, not in the slightest," I finished, exhaling through my nose. It felt good to get that off my chest, but I felt slightly bad for saying all that. My anger threatened to flare up once more when he simply hmph-ed and snapped his head forward. I began grumbling to myself as I snatched the bandages off the branch and put them in my pouch.

I waited for him to respond, but he kept his face turned away from me. I started to feel bad for no reason, he deserved it, but he genuinely seemed hurt. He just began moving forward and I followed silently.

Eventually it just became awkward, and the silence weighed heavily on us. Of course he was berating me before, but I would have preferred that to the tension between us now. I awkwardly placed an arm on my now aching shoulder and looked at Neji as we moved forward.

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