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yo yo it's toots I'm so sorry for my hiatus i didn't have any ideas but i've been struck with genius so enjoy!! I came up with one after many weeks but I'm a little rusty so I hope this is good




"Have you seen (Y/N)?" I asked Sakura and she thought for a moment.

"Not recently, but I heard she went out to train," She responded. "Why're you looking for her?"

"I had a picture I wanted to show her," I replied, smiling at her and Sakura gave me a funny look. I think you could describe it as smug.

"I think I know what's going on," Sakura smiled at me. I suddenly felt confused, I didn't know what she meant. Her face fell slightly when she finally realized I had no clue what she meant.

"I see how you look at her," She informed me, and when the sentence left her mouth, I felt heat rise to me cheeks. "You must like her!"

I tilted my head to the side and furrowed my eyebrows, "Of course I do she's my friend?"

Sakura huffed and grabbed my wrist. I didn't know where we were going, but I had a feeling she would get mad if I didn't follow her. She had been mad at me a few times and I didn't want that to happen again. She led me through the leaf village and I kept a firm grip on the scroll which held the sketch I wanted to show (Y/N). I watched the buildings past by and the other people pass by us.

I looked forward and noticed we were leaving the village.

"Uh Sakura...where are we going?" I called to her and she looked over her shoulder and smirked at me. I furrowed my brows in confusion and tightened my grip on the sketch. Suddenly we were at the entrance to the training grounds. Sakura stopped running and peered inside. I opened my mouth to ask what we were doing and she covered my mouth and motioned for me to look inside.

I walked over and stood next to her and saw (Y/N). She was sitting on the ground with her legs crossed, and her hands were held out in front of her. She was in her casual clothes and her long (h/c) hair fell down her back. Her eyes were closed and she took a deep breath. My eyes widened slightly as chakra began to gather in her palms in the shape of a Lily. A lot of her ninjutsu was rooted in nature, and it was all quite beautiful to me. I was mesmerized by her.

At least I was until I heard Sakura snickering next to me. I looked over to her slowly and she just shook her head.

"You couldn't be anymore obvious," She chuckled softly and once again I was left confused. I didn't get a chance to question her before she was running over to (Y/N) and motioning for me to follow behind her. I did so hesitantly and (Y/N) greeted Sakura in surprise. My heart fluttered a bit when she turned to me and smiled, but I wasn't sure why that was.

"Did you guys want to train? I was just finishing," She laughed a bit and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear. Sakura had that same look on her face from earlier when she turned to me. 

"Well no, not exactly," Sakura replied. "Sai was just looking for you and I remembered you telling me that you would be here." 

(Y/N) nodded slowly then turned to me, looking a little surprised. I couldn't understand why, but once we made eye contact any words I could say left my head. I just stared into her eyes, and I could not tear mine away. 

"Sai, what's the matter?" Sakura asked, and (Y/n) broke our eye contact to look at her. I took a short breath and smiled. 

"Nothing, she's just beautiful that's all." After that left my mouth Sakura swiftly hit me on the head. (Y/N) looked shocked and I fell to the ground. Sakura had an irk mark on her forehead and her hands were on her hips. I didn't understand what had made her so mad. 

I looked up at her and rubbed the top of my head, "I don't understand, you got mad when I lied and called someone beautiful, but you also get mad when I tell the truth." 

Sakura and (Y/N)'s eyes widened in surprise. (Y/N) had a growing blush on her face and I was still confused. Sakura just smirked again before walking away. 

"My work here is done," She said over her shoulder at us and (Y/N) and I shared a look of confusion. We both watched her leave, but I remembered the sketch I had wanted to show her. I stood up, holding my head and I lifted the scroll from my side. I untied it and unrolled it in my hands. I motioned for (Y/N) to step closer and look at the drawing. She walked over, still looking confused and her lips parted once her eyes landed on the ink. 

It was a sketch I had drawn of her the last time we went on a mission together. We had stopped to rest in a clearing and she had been performing one of her ninjutsus. She had made a few hand signs and it caused a vine to grow from the ground and spiral itself around her arm and then she did a few more signs which caused small white and pink flowers to blossom along the vine. It was beautiful and I had to draw it. 

"Sai, is that...me?" She asked and I smiled and nodded. She blushed and her face broke into a smile. 

"It's so beautiful thank you," She said softly, gently tracing her finger on the outline of the sketch. I watched her in wonder and chuckled a bit. 

"I was a little worried you wouldn't like it..." I said, feeling that odd feeling in my chest again and she laughed. I felt my heart flutter again when she did that. 

"Why wouldn't I like it?" She said once she was done laughing. 

"I don't know," I replied, shrugging. "I had read in a book that its giving the person you like a heartfelt gift was a good thing, but in a lot of the books I read the other person didn't like the gift and I didn't want that to happen I guess." 

"You're so cute," She mumbled and before I knew what she was doing she pressed her lips to my cheek for a brief moment. I was stunned and my cheeks began to heat up. Before I could say anything she was leaving. 

"Sorry I have to go so soon, I have a team meeting in a few minutes," She called to me. "Come meet me by the village gate later, we could hang out." 

I just nodded as I was still too stunned to speak. 

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