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hey y'all it's toots this is being written per pudds' request, and i was happy to do so. anyone can request anything they want for our one shots just leave a comment or message us! update: i don't know how I feel about this but i tried to do Shisui justice...not sure if I succeeded lol


I hear a loud knock on my door which startles me from my sleep. I lift my head up quickly, making myself lightheaded. My hair is sticking up in every direction and the sleeve of the shirt I wore to bed had slipped off of my shoulder. I sit up looking around, still half asleep. The knock comes again and I throw the covers off of myself.

"I'm coming," I try calling loudly, my voice still quiet and raspy. I stumble out of my bedroom and over to the front door. I yawn and attempt to fix my shirt only for it to fall off my shoulder again. I open the door slowly, yawning again as I do so. The morning air comes into the house and I stiffen as it hits my skin. I rub my eyes as I look up to see none other than my boyfriend Shisui standing there, smiling brightly despite the early hour.

"Good morning sleeping beauty," He chuckles, looking me up and down. I attempt once more to fix my shirt, and failing once again.

"What time is it?" I yawn, holding onto the side of the door for support.

"I don't know, around seven thirty I think," Shisui shrugs and I lean my forehead against the door. It's too early for me to be up, I am not a morning person. 

"That's so early, why did you wake me up?" I whine as I open the door wider so he can come in. I walk inside and go make myself some tea.

"I had a mission to go on tomorrow, so I wanted to spend the day with you," Shisui explains, leaning against the fridge. I take a sip of the warm drink, wrapping both of my hands around it.

"You didn't have to wake me up this early," I pout, taking another drink. He laughs softly, watching me as I finish my tea and put the cup in the sink.

"If I didn't we wouldn't be spending the whole day together," He says as if the answer is obvious. I roll my eyes, but still smile. I run upstairs and get dressed, I come back running the brush through my hair one final time.

Shisui and I have only been dating around three weeks, and we spend a lot of time together; the only problem is we haven't kissed yet. It's not that one of us doesn't want to, it's that every time we try we get interrupted. Shisui wants our first kiss to be special, not just something that happens, he wants me to remember it. Of course I tease him about this all the time, but deep down I know I feel the same way.

"Okay where are we off to?" I say, still feeling groggy. He takes my hand and motions for me to follow him. We get outside and I let go of his hand to lock the door. When I'm done he interlocks our fingers and he leads me away from my house.

"I want to show you something," He tells me over his shoulder as we go out of the village gates. The gate people wave to us, and I try to wave back but Shisui pulls me along. We walk along the path before Shisui veers off in another direction, taking me by surprise.

I follow him through the trees, getting tired of ducking at stepping over things every five seconds. I sigh, lifting a thin branch with leaves covering it, "Whatever it is you're showing me, it better be worth it."

"It is, trust me," He replies as we make it to a clearing. The clearing is small, and a creek runs through it. It's simple and it is pretty, but it doesn't seem worth waking up early for. He lets go of my hand and goes and sits near the creek, motioning for me to follow him. I walk over, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion. He pats the space beside him and I lowered myself down on the soft grass.

I look down at the creek and notice small silver fish swimming around.

"Oh! I almost forgot," Shisui exclaims taking off his backpack and putting it between us. "I knew you'd be upset about waking up early, so I made us breakfast."

"You didn't have to do that," I say to him, feeling a little bad for making a fuss about being up early. He takes two containers with good in it out of his backpack and hands me one of them. Since it is still early, the sun is still climbing into the sky, casting golden rays over both of our faces.

We eat and talk about our plans and Shisui's mission tomorrow, when we had finished his hand finds mine and he laces our fingers together. I smile and move our hands onto my lap. We make eye contact and I blush a little bit. He begins to lean in and I do too, our lips are millimeters apart when I hear someone calling Shisui from across the clearing.

"Shisui! There you are! I've been looking for y-oh...sorry."

Itachi stands there, looking awkward as he sees the position we are in. Shisui hangs his head and sighs heavily.

"Dammit, I tried to be early because I knew no one would be up and around to interrupt us," He mumbles, looking up at me. "Sorry, (Y/N)."

"It's okay," I giggle a little, gently caressing his cheek in reassurance with my free hand. "It's the thought that counts."

Shisui heaves a sigh again and looks over at Itachi who is slowly making his way over to us. 

"Why do you need me Itachi?" Shisui looks up at his raven haired friend who's looking down at him. 

Itachi takes a small breath before saying, "The clan is having a meeting and they want everyone present." 

They then both share a strange look, a mix of determination and fearfulness. I want to ask, but I don't want to be nosy. I decided to just keep my mouth shut. Shisui turns to me and gives me an apologetic look. 

"They clearly need you, so go," I laugh a little, standing up. "It's alright, you and I can hang out after." 

He smiles at me and gets up as well, I hand him the container from earlier and he puts it inside his bag. 

"I didn't mean to interrupt anything," Itachi apologizes, laughing nervously. He seems to be directing his apology more to me than to Shisui. I laugh softly, glancing over to Shisui who still looks deflated. 

"It's fine, don't worry about it," I pat his shoulder lightly and he sends me a grateful smile. I turn to Shisui and wrap my arms around him. He returns the gesture. I pull away a little, smirking as I do so. Shisui gives me a confused look and I lean forward and press my lips to his. He stiffens and hesitates a little before kissing back. We kiss for a long time, but we stop when Itachi clears his throat. 

We look at each other and laugh, our cheeks tinted pink. 

"I know you wanted it to be special and all, but I got tired of waiting." I unwrap my arms from around him, placing them at my sides. 

"I had a feeling it would just have to happen," Shisui replies, Itachi basically pulling him away so they can go to their meeting. Eventually, Itachi succeeds and Shisui follows him out of the clearing. I wave to them as they go, Shisui turning around and waving back. 

"I'll come see you after I promise!" Shisui calls to me as he stops walking at the edge of the clearing. Itachi grabs his arm again and tugs him harshly and I hear him shout 'ow'. I shake my head, rolling my eyes. I take my time getting back to the village, looking forward to spending time with Shisui later. 

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