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lol it's puds, I'm gonna warn you, this is crap. And there's a crap ton of time skips because that's how this has to go. Also, I did legit research on this so if anything's wrong don't come at me.

~(y/n) pov~

"Ne Hashirama, where are you going?" I asked softly as I looked towards the bowl headed child.

"Umm, I-I'm going to the river, yeah the river, to train," he roughly muttered out.

"Can I come with you?" I asked.

"N-no!" He shrieked, "I want to be by myself."

"Alright," I said in agreement. While he started to run away, I masked my chakra and followed him stealthily. My eyes widened when I saw what he was really doing. Another boy stood at the other end of the river. My eyes widened as I saw the crest on his back.
I wouldn't dare say a word to anyone about this though. That is what I vowed to myself.

"Hey! Whosever out there, I can easily sense your chakra. Why don't you show yourself." The Uchiha boy yelled out. A panicked look appeared on my face. Along with that, I felt disappointed that I had been spotted so easily. My shoulders drooped and I clumsily fell out of the tree.
I got up and rubbed my arm before staring at it and realizing blood was dripping down. I mentally face palmed myself for being an idiot.

"Y/n?! I thought I told you to stay by my house!" Hashirama stated urgently.

"You did. I was bored so I didn't listen," I replied without a care though I was extremely nervous. Hashirama's face began to grow red in anger while I just found it quite amusing. I closed my eyes to gather my thoughts.
I then opened them making sure to show my lilac / white hues and looked towards the Uchiha boy.

"Who is this?" I ask curiously.

"None of your business that's who. Now go home before you get hurt!" Hashirama yelled.

"What if I tell!?" I ask.

"About what?" Hashirama replies confused. 'Agh, this boy is so clueless,' I thought to myself.

"Whatever, don't worry about it." I said nonchalantly, simultaneously not paying attention to Hashirama's frustration.

"Y/N! WILL YOU LISTEN TO ME?!" He yelled. I looked his way and rolled my eyes before deciding to leave. I jumped into the trees making a getaway.

When I got back to Hashirama's house, his younger brother came to me asking where he was.

"He's down at the river." I reply.

"Is he with anyone? An Uchiha perhaps?" Tobirama questioned.

"No, he's training by himself. He also told me off so maybe you shouldn't bother him," I say as calmly as possible. He turned away looking disappointed and walked away. I sighed in relief when he was out of earshot. I decided to go home so I wouldn't run into that same situation later.

~a few days later~

I decided to take a walk along the river alone, but not without my father insisting I bring my ninja tools. I heard rustling around me despite there being barely any wind. Just to be safe, I activated my Byakugan. I took a kunai out when I saw a chakra in the tree. I quickly threw it towards the person, intending to scare them off.

"WHAT THE HELL?!" The same boy from a few days ago fell out of the tree. I quick looked at him and saw my kunai stuck in his hand. My eyes widened and I rushed over to him.

"Are you okay?!" I yelled even though he was obviously not. I grabbed his hand and tried to pull out the kunai with gauze in tow. I gave it a slight tug and he sharply pulled his hand away whilst glaring.

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