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I followed Itachi, keeping my chakra focused on sustaining my jutsu. I was sometimes sent on high risk missions because my justu allowed me to detect anyone within a three mile radius; it didn't matter how well they tried to hide. I followed Itachi through a valley that would lead us to our destination.

I usually kept my eyes closed while I performed the jutsu, as it made the jutsu even more effective. However, as I was walking I didn't want to run into anything, so my eyes were open. The only bad thing about that, like I said, was my jutsu was less effective; there was room for error.

"We'll stop at the inn in this next town," Itachi deadpanned. I simply nodded, my cloak hiding most of my face. Itachi quickened his pace and I followed suit, finding it harder to maintain my jutsu. I continued nonetheless, and soon we were entering the village.

Before we entered, Itachi and I transformed ourselves to blend in. Usually when we went on missions together, we posed as a couple; it made us look even less suspicious. I linked my arm through his as we walked through town to find the inn he had mentioned earlier. When we found the inn, I waited outside, making sure to look out for anyone suspicious. I stood leaning against the wall, one foot resting against it.

My usually (h/c) hair had transformed into long light brown hair the went to my lower back. I looked around, letting my hair fall into my face a little.

"Haven't seen you around before." A man sauntered up to me, two others behind him. I huffed, blowing a piece of hair off of my face. I stood up straight and crossed my arms over my chest. Itachi what's taking so long?

I glanced to the side and saw Itachi still talking to the person behind the desk. I sighed.

"You gonna answer me or..?" The man took a step closer to me, he was now too close for my liking.

"I wouldn't prefer to," I sighed, looking at my nails, my other hand hovered over my ninja pouch. The mans face turned into a frown, but only a for a second before he returned to smirking.

He lunged forward and grabbed my wrist, the one I had been ready to grab a kunai with. I gritted my teeth together.

"Now, let's not cause trouble. Come with us." He said, his grip becoming tighter. I took a breath, and kept my face neutral.

"No, I can take all three of you. I suggest you let go now before I make that happen." I glanced toward his wrist, already formulating a plan. His grip tightened further, the skin around his hands turning red. I winced slightly because of the pain. As I was about to make my first move, an emotionless voice was heard next to me.

"If I were you I would let go."

"What's it to you?" The man said, trying to drag me away. I raised my other hand to hit the guy, but before I could Itachi hit him on the back of the neck in one quick movement. The other guys saw and ran away. The mans grip came off of my wrist and I immediately began rubbing it with my other hand.

"Come, (Y/N), they have a room for us." Itachi motioned and I followed him inside. Once we got in the room, I transformed back into my usual self. I sent a glare at Itachi.

"I had it under control you know? I could have handled it." I took off my cloak and hung it on a hook. He sighed and transformed back into himself, doing the same.

"It didn't look like it." He turned to face me, and I rolled my eyes. I was capable taking care of myself, he always did this to me. I could protect myself, I had in the past. Every time we were on a mission together it was like he did everything in his power to get in my way.

I sat on the ground near my futon, "You always do this, I'm not weak, I can do things on my own."

"I know you're not," Itachi remarked going to lay down. "I just don't want you to get hurt."

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