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Dj puds here, Idk what to say about this.


(11 years old)

I shielded my eyes from the flying debris as I ran around the village, looking for my parents. The Nine Tails roared and the sound made me want to cower back in my room at home. Tears began to run down my face as I realized that my parents weren't in sight.

"Y/n? Look here, mama and papa are gonna have to fight soon, to protect." My mothers voice rang in my ears, "Listen to any adult who directs you around. Then you'll stay safe."

I quickly raised my head to look at my parents. My mother picked me up and hugged me, squeezing me while doing so. My father simply patted my head and kissed my forehead. They then put me down and ran towards the fox. I screamed when they were hit by one of the attacks. I began to sob.

"Y/n?!" A familiar voice rang out. I snap my head around to see Shisui, one of my friends, running at me.

"What are you doing just standing around? We are supposed to be evacuating." He stated, eyes glazed in panic.

"I can't leave my parents all alone! They might be okay!" I say desperately. I start to ball when Shisui picked me up and began running away. I kicked and yelled in defiance. He sets me down upon reaching a safe house. Hot tears stream down my cheeks as the villagers are all scattered about the floor.
I feel myself weaken as we sit on the floor. Shisui stares at me when I look at him in confusion. He lifts his hand and wipes the tears from my eyes.

"Don't worry, everything will be okay," His soft voice speaks. The sadness once again is released, but this time, I pull Shisui into a hug. My tiny hands grip his shirt tightly and his small arms wrap around me. He slowly pets my hair and rubs my back as I sob into his shoulder. This continues for a short while until I wear myself out, passing out on Shisui's shoulder.

~timeskip~ (13 years old)

I run towards Shisui in attempt to attack him during training. I pull a kunai out of my pocket and quickly slash at him. I find pride thinking I hit him, but soon find out that he used a shadow clone.
My eyes widen when I feel a sharp object press against my own neck.

"Shisui: 1, Y/n: 0," He states, arrogance lacing his words. I, however, got caught so off guard that I trip and stumble when he steps back from me. I clumsily take some awful footing, nearing the edge of the cliff, due to our poor choice in training grounds. Upon nearly tripping on the edge, I feel arms snake around my waist, pulling me up and into safety.
My heart racing, I hastily wrap my arms around Shisui's neck, pulling me away from the edge. My breathing heavy, I pull away and see him smirking.

"First I beat you, then I save your life. I think you owe me something for this," He says, that dumb smirk plastered on his face.

"What the hell do you want?" I say, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Buy me lunch for a week," he states childishly. I wipe the imaginary sweat off my head knowing that I wouldn't need to do anything horrible.

"Why would you want that of all things? That's kinda lame." I say, shaking my head in amusement.

"Hmm you're right. Maybe seeing you run around the village in an embarrassing outfit would be much more entertaining," He says, glancing at me. My eyes widen and I shake my head in disapproval.

"No thanks, you already answered my question." I say, taking out my wallet and seeing if I had money to buy myself lunch.

"Hope you have enough money in there for two. Wouldn't want to leave you with a bill you can't pay." He says, swiftly swiping the wallet from my hand and taking a look at everything inside.

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