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hey it's toots! thank you all so much for your support on this story so in return here's another chapter

this ones a little short sorry!

"Queen, (Y/N)," The man kneeling in front of me says. I motion for the person fanning me to stop and they obey immediately. I swing both of my legs around to sit in front of me, and I raise my hand upwards. He raises and comes towards me.

"Yes?" I say, resting my elbow on my bent knee. I place my chin on my palm and raise an eyebrow. I recoil my head back when the mans voice in drowned out by a loud rumbling noise.

"Say that again," I say, my brows furrowing in confusion. He begins talking, but his voice is again replaced by a loud rumbling sound. This time louder than the last....


I squeeze my eyes closed as I am rudely awakened from my dream. I nearly jump out of my skin when the loud rumbling from my dream sounds right next to my ear. I turn over to see the source of the sound, trying to calm my rapid heartbeat. As I roll over, I feel an arm tighten around my waist.

I pull back my head when I am met with his sleeping face inches from mine. I cringe when snores close to my face. I reach over and wrap my hand around his wrist and do my best to move his arm without disturbing his sleep.

Luckily, he can sleep through just about anything, so simply moving his arm doesn't affect him at all. After successfully placing his arm at his side, I sit up and rub my burning eyes. I glare at his sleeping form as he snores obnoxiously. I've been with him long enough to know he usually snores, but never this loud.

"Hidan," I whisper loudly, and he doesn't move.

"Hidan," I say again, louder this time. As I say his name I shake his shoulder, only to be met with him flinching slightly. I let out a long, loud breath. I shake him roughly this time and he doesn't move.

"For gods sake, wake the fuck up!" I shout, hitting his bare back. It makes a loud smack and Hidan shoots up and falls out of bad. I shake out my hand slightly, stinging from the impact.

I hear him moaning in pain from the floor and I crawl to the edge of the bed and look at him. He stares up and me, glaring.

"Why would you do that?!" He demands, holding his head as he sits up. I prop my elbow on the bed and place my chin in the palm of my hand.

"You were snoring loud enough to wake up everyone within a hundred mile radius," I explain, yawning a little. "And you interrupted my dreaming."

Hidan rolls his eyes at me and I move back to my space on the bed as he climbs back in. He just watches me as he does so. He sits up in bed and runs a hand through his messy hair.

"You're such a drama queen," He mumbles and I smack his arm lightly. He gives me a why-would-you-do-that look and I respond with an unamused expression. I slip back under the covers, pulling them up to my chin.

Hidan stays sitting up for a bit and I turn over to face him. He looks down at me with a rare soft look in his eyes.

"Why do I put up with you?" He says quietly and I shrug.

"Why do I put up with you?" I respond, smirking slightly before yawning. I feel myself drifting off once more, allowing my eyes to close again.

I'm nearly asleep when I hear soft snores coming from Hidan. They aren't loud, but I have a feeling they'll get louder. I try to lightly push him so he'll turn over but he doesn't budge. I push a little harder, and he still doesn't move. I give it one last push and it works, except that I push him too hard. He scrabbles to grab onto something on the bed to keep him from falling to the floor again.

The something he grabs, happens to be my arm and I am suddenly being dragged off the bed onto the floor. I land on Hidan as I hear him let out a pained wheeze. I slowly lift myself up, both of my hands on either side of his head. I meet his gaze and he's giving me a look.

"If I fall out of this bed one more fucking time-"

"Then don't snore."

"As if I can help it," He huffs and I'm about to protest when I realize he's correct. I shut my mouth promptly and he sends me a smug smile. I roll my eyes at him and sit up, rubbing my eyes. I look around and notice that I'm straddling him.

"If this is what you wanted you just had to ask," He says, smirking. "You don't have to be shy, babe."

"Goodnight Hidan," I reply quickly, getting up and climbing back into bed. Hidan climbs in after me, but he barely has one leg covered when there's a loud banging on the door. We both turn our heads in the direction of the noise.

After a small argument about who should get the door, I eventually whip off the covers and walk over to it. Hidan covers himself back up and I open the door to see Deidara standing there. He looks irritated and I cover my mouth as I yawn.

"Could you please quiet down, you aren't the only ones here hm," He informs me and I look towards Hidan who's sitting up and glaring at Deidara.

"Shut the hell up and go back to bed," Hidan shouts and Deidara opens his mouth to say something else, but he is interrupted by me closing the door on him. I walk back to the bed and cover myself up. I turn to the side and I feel Hidan's arm fall across my waist and he pulls me closer to him.

"I hope you're happy," I yawn, closing my eyes.

"With what?" He mumbles in response, burying his face in the crook of my neck.

"Cheating me and half the hideout out of their sleep." I smile to myself, enjoying the warmth radiating from Hidan.

"It's just sleep," He responds softly. "Take a damn nap tomorrow or something."

I don't respond, and I let sleep overtake me for the next few hours until sunlight would filter into the room.

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