Learning Sign

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Ned had shoved me in a drawer until it had gotten darker out and his family had gone to sleep.

He had snuck me an orange slice and a cucumber slice for dinner.

The orange had upset my stomach a bit, but it was really good.

Ned was sitting on his bed, he had a small folding table thing set up beside him.

I was on the table thing, watching him play some sort of video game with a controller.

The game looked absolutely fascinating. It was an underwater game, but I had never seen or heard of these fish before.

'Peepers' seemed to be Ned's favorite, or he absolutely hated them. He kept catching them and eating them, so it was hard to tell.

He played the game for about an hour and a half before he looked at me. It seemed he'd forgotten I was there.

I could see the gears moving in his head as he stared at me.

"My aunt is deaf and uses sign language to communicate... Maybe we could learn it together," Ned said. I couldn't tell if he talking to me or himself.

He grabbed his phone from the charger, the screen lit up his face as he scrolled through it for a few minutes.

"Okay, so, this means 'eat'," Ned announced, dropping his phone on his lap as he looked at me. He pressed all of his fingers together on top of his thumb and pressed them to his mouth a few times.

I mimicked him.

"Yeah! Like that, that means 'eat'," he informed me.

"Do you want to try to learn cucumber and orange? So you can ask for them again if you want them?" Ned asked me.

I nodded eagerly.

Ned picked his phone back up and started to scroll again.

I swished my tail in excitement at the thought of being able to communicate with Peter and Ned.

This was going to be exciting.

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