The Service

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There wasn't anyone in the garage when we pulled in.

Mister Stark led me into the elevator, Hawkeye stayed behind in the garage.

I had both of my bags slung over my shoulder as the elevator doors opened.

Miss Potts was sitting on the couch, she looked anxious.

She stood up when the doors opened, rubbing her hands on her skirt.

Her expression changed to crestfallen when she saw me, "Oh Peter..." was all she said as she hurried over to bring me into a hug.

"Can... Can I go lay down?" I asked, my voice was barely a whisper.

Miss Potts pulled away from me, "Of course Peter, of course. Here, you can rest in this spare room," she told me, guiding me down the hall.

Mister Stark walked out of the room just before we entered the doorway.

"Let us or JARVIS know if you need anything Peter, I mean it," Mister Stark said.

I nodded my head.

He stepped aside and let me in the room, quietly closing the door behind me.

I crawled into the bed, barely remembering to take off my shoes.

I felt empty, I felt like I'd cried myself out at the police station and there was nothing left.




The funeral was a few days later.

It was an open casket, Miss Potts and Mister Stark made sure that it was a beautiful service with Aunt May's favorite flowers. 

Ned was seated in the row behind me with MJ. Mister Stark and Miss Potts were on either side of me. The rest of the Avengers were there too.

I didn't cry during the service.

I didn't cry when they lowered her coffin into the ground.

I felt like a piece of me went with her as they started to cover her with soil.

The Unexpected Delivery (Avengers Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz