14. Make a Difference

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It just took me a few seconds to run back upstairs when I heard him scream.

It has become more frequent now. Alex always had nightmares but they weren't this bad until very recently. I pushed the door open and he was clutching the pillow close to his body, as if blocking himself from something. I rushed to him.

"Hey...Alex...look at me" 

He moved his hand in reflex and I ducked to avoid being hit.


His eyes flew open. 

"You are fine..." I murmured, wiping the sweat off of his face. 

He held my hand and got up to hug me. He was completely wet. It always felt terrible to see him like this because I knew what he dreams of. The same old terrible days that he came out of. If not for that tiny accident on the rooftop, I would have never found him and he would have continued to stay in that miserable place. I rubbed his back and whispered calming words into his ears. And just like that, the memories of those days came back to me.

"No one is going to notice!" Skylar said enthusiastically and dragged me along with her to the rooftop. 

Our teachers have clearly asked us not to go to the rooftop of the cottage because it's quite slippery in the winters after the snow has melted. I was hesitant to follow her. One - because it was not allowed, Two - Skylar was a bit tipsy. It's not unusual for the 10th standard girls to bring some alcohol to school trips. We always had an option to choose our winter trips and this time, the class chose to go to a biodiversity park that was quite close to the cottage stays. This way, we would be understanding the importance of co-living with our fellow classmates and also enjoy the greenery and richness of the forest around us. Skylar, Claire, and the Twins were my company. I owed Skylar a lot for not leaving me alone during the trip but I did not necessarily approve their insane attempts at making the trip 'fun'. The rich always had the most stupid ideas of 'fun'.

"Sky, it is dangerous. It is very slippery out there. We might hurt ourselves"

That's a definite for her. She had a bottle of orange punch in her hand that is generously laced with vodka. I was pretty much sure she won't be able to handle the wet conditions there. I was mentally making notes of how to hold her while we are on the top, praying that no teacher should find us wandering there. As soon as we climbed to the top, the chill in the air hit my face like a ball of snow. We were dressed to fight the cold but it was not enough at all. The leather jacket of hers and the cheap woolen jacket of mine were doing nothing to keep us warm. 

"We will go back in a few minutes. Let me stay here for a while" She said and closed her eyes, smiling warmly.

I watched her in fascination. I've been around Skylar for a long time but I had never seen her relaxed, happy and....content. She was always guarded, ready to face threats and it felt like she had a revolver down her shirt and she'd pull it out when someone attacks her. In fact, her mouth is her main weapon. Her taunts and sarcasm can make people cry for days. Yes, its undoubtedly very rude but she has a control on what she says. Unlike Sarah who targets anyone if she is not the least bit impressed by them.

"Do you know what it feels like to be free?" She asked. 

"No" When was I ever free? 

"Me too"

"You?" I raised my eyebrows.

"What?" She laughed softly, "Being locked up with diamonds still makes you a prisoner. I crave to be out in the open. I crave to be in the air"

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