caught in a lie

116 26 10

Always more
It's never enough
Try harder they say

Break bones
Mentally tortured
You can do better they say

Physically abused
What's so hard they say

Sleepless nights
Sunken eyes
Don't complain they say

Fake smiles
Unnatural happiness
Stop wanting attention they say

Endless tears
Choked sobs
Quit using your phone they say

Feeling tired
Feeling nothing
Stop being a brat they say

Deadly thoughts
Toxic intentions
Heartless demon they say

Gasps of disbelief
Menacing chuckles
Don't hurt us they say

Icy metal
Warm skin
Are you crazy they whisper

Eyes on me
Horrified expressions
Don't do it they scream

Finger pulling
A sincere smile
Goodbye everyone I say

A gunshot first
A thud of a dead body next
A string of screams to finish

Caught in a lie
And I've found the truth
The end

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