candle light

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I am the candle and you are fire
I love you and I am what your heart wants and desire

As one we cherish our time together
But our love can never live to see forever

A burning touch against a cool surface
Our love is a show for others selfish purpose

Next to each other we are beautiful
Yet our quick perish is quite pitiful

Maybe in another life we'll live in joy
And have a little darling girl and an adorable boy

Others think we hate each other with a passionate fury
But all we crave for is a intricately woven love story

Bittersweet and addictive
Our tale is like a painting by a blind artist that's creative

Be it in darkness or light where you drift
Together we'll burn away our enemies to mist

Despite what our fate is likely to always be
I shall always love you as you will always love me

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