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In a world so dark, eerie and cruel
I'm a broken light who is said to be a jewel
If my light really did reach people afar
Why do I fail to see the logic of a fused lamp being a bright star?

In a world so dark, eerie and cruel
Hateful thoughts directed to myself have become my fuel
In the light of day you see my smile
But in truth I'm the bride that walks down sorrows aisle
Regardless of feedback, my dark pleasure or should I say, thread of sanity
Is one that is still deplorable by the world's majority

In a world so dark, eerie and cruel
Hidden in my mind I'm with demons in a constant duel
Pushing away those around me because I fear they'll never really see
My true self that is scared; the real and imperfect me
I'm not who you think I am
Don't even try rebutting with that God damn

I'm fully aware that I have flaws I struggle to overcome
However this is sadly the pathetic being I've become
Demented, isolated and deranged

We all have our life's ups and downs and right now I'm abyss in the latter. It's like fate doesn't want me to devote myself entirely to a soul, because whenever I do collect feelings it turns into a whole mess that seems like a ludicrous joke. So yep I'm loving and caring and I'm right here for everyone that needs me❤️

Sorry if I kept you all waiting for too long. And just wanted to say, you are beautiful and awesome!

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