Avengers Cookies

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Peter loved being in the compound. Even if it was just for hours of working in the lab with Tony, Peter would do  anything to get that chance. So when Tony asked Peter if he wanted to stay overnight in the compound for Christmas break, Peter could not easily rejected the offer. First it was hard for Peter to say yes even no matter how much he wanted to stay because he did not want to hurt May's feeling by making her thinking that he was somehow started to abandon his own aunt because of every luxury thingsTony Stark gave to him. But after May saying that she was actually busy with her work during the Christmas break until the Christmas Day, so Peter without second thought accepting the offer. Since it was also May's idea to send her lovely nephew to stay at the compound where she trusted Tony and Pepper to take care of him.

So it was not even that strange that noon when Tony and Pepper were just finishing their meeting in Hongkong, and was about to get some relaxing time or even better a nap, they saw the kid entering the compound with huge grin plastered on his face. Peter was somewhat bringing four bags of grocery bags clinging onto his hands. He put the grocery bags onto the kitchen table where both Tony and Pepper where just arrived and getting themselves a hot chocolate since it was cold outside and began to take out the things he bought from the store. Tony noticed what the kid was going to make the time he took out all the ingredients. Happily and carefully checking everything as he put it one by one. Whilst Tony and Pepper could only exchange glance, transmitting messages to what happened to be translated as 'what is he doing'.

"What are you doing?" Tony abruptly asked, drinking his hot chocolate made by Pepper. Somehow, during this December, he had been attached to the hot chocolate drink. Thanks to Peter and his nightmare one time, since that moment everytime the kid got nightmare, Pepper would make him a cup of hot chocolate and a brownies. The. They would binge watch on Netflix until the kid was falling asleep or at worst, Tony.

Peter turned, still checking the list on his notes. Sometimes he would count, sometimes he would double check everything again. "Making cookies," he said after making sure that everything was seated.

"Cookies? How many are you planning on making, kid?" Tony often watched Pepper baked on her free day. If she was getting stressed out by the company, she would entertain herself by making delicious choco chip cookies, nevertheless Tony and Peter were both addicted to it. So he knew exactly how many amount of sugars, flours, eggs, baking soda, or the other ingredients for making cookies if it was just for a smaller amount of people. But Peter's ingredients was seemed to be prepared for a larger group of people.

Peter turned to stare at the couple, he was frowning. Confused as to what to say. "They are for the Avengers." the announcement was clicked to Tony immediately. Of course it was for them and of course Peter would show this much of enthusiasm for the team.

Two weeks ago, when Peter was having an anxiety before taking his final exams, that lead the boy into patrolling more than often and May was so afraid if her boy would get sick during the exam even after she knew about Peter being Spider-Man and that he had the enhanced healing, so it would mostly be impossible for the boy to get sick. As an aunt who had been taking care of Peter since he was a baby, she asked Tony for help. Then Tony made a promise to Peter if he could focus on his exams only and not patrolling at night during the exam week, and he got a great score, Tony would bring the ex-rogues Avengers to the compound to celebrate the Christmas break or even until the Christmas Day. Turns out, Tony could not make any promises if it was about Peter's score. Peter was too overly excited to meet the others as he studied all night in order to get a great score and in the end he got a very satisfied score for every subjects.

But Tony almost forgot about his own promises because of a bunch of meetings he needed to attend. It was actually still hard for him to accept the rogues member after what happened in Germany. It was already three months after the last battle with the Mad Titan and the rogues members were already been forgiven by the government. It was all Rhodey's idea to let the members stayed at King T'Challa's place first in California (the place where they used to hide), because he knew well that Tony still needed a lot of time to be ready accepted them as part of the family again. After the last war, Tony decided to retire from his role as Iron Man and going on planning a wedding with Pepper Potts instead. Now he was facing with super excited teenage boy that fanboying over every team members, and he could not bear to let down the kid by denying his promises.

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