Holiday's Presents

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There was nothing wrong in going out to buy a Christmas presents for everyone. No, not even Natasha Romanoff could make it more weird. She knew if Peter had already planned on going presents for each member of the Avengers, two weeks ago and he had been rambling on and on since then. Even Wanda decided that she wanted to help the little kid buying presents too. But the problem was, Natasha never really interested in buying anything. She had lost her childhood long ago after HYDRA abducted her and brainwashed her for their own benefit. Most of the time, she did not even remember what her childhood look like rather than the face of her parents. So he absentmindedly did not want to join the two crazy teenagers' plan on enlivened the biggest most obvious holidays around the world.

But there was always something about Peter that even Natasha could not resist to reject it. Ever since Tony had accepted back the rogues members and let them stayed at the compound, Natasha always found something new about Peter Parker and how the boy secretly had stolen the Black Widow's murderous heart after a long time of torment in HYDRA and being an absolute dysfunctional PTSD because of that. She loved Peter's voice booming across the compound everytime the kid decided to visit the headquarters after his busy lifetime as a college student in MIT, but Natasha absolutely liked when Peter decided to stay whenever there was a long holiday. The compound would be so much alive with his babbling that he would tell everyone about his day or what he did during his patrol.

More importantly, Tony would only come to the compound whenever there was a meeting or whenever Peter was around. Because after he sold the Avengers' compound, Tony bought another tower not too far from the headquarters so he could go back and forth whenever there was a meeting. The inventor had taken down his tittle as Iron Man after the last war with the Mad Titan and living his life as the owner of the Stark Industries company along with Pepper soon-to-be Stark. Now his intervention was just making weapons and more suitable suit for each Avengers, giving them a place to stay or just even training themselves. But Natasha bet if the billionaire did it was because of Peter. Because the kid was part of the team now after Tony, Thor, and Bruce retired from their role as part of earth's mightiest heroes.

Tony loved the kid more than Natasha could even imagine when she first noticed how the billionaire acted towards the little boy. Not to mention everything that Tony had did to bring back half the universe after the disintegration caused by the infinity stones. While Thor said he wanted to start his new life as the new King of his people. But the member could always call him whenever they needed the god of thunder. A lot of things had changed after the last war and to be honest, Peter was the biggest part of the change. Peter Parker was the key for everything Tony did until now.

So when the boy knocked on his door softly early in the morning and asked her to go with him and Wanda to the store to by gifts, Natasha almost could not say no. She did not have any mission for the last four days and she had enough time for enjoying her free time at the compound. But it was hard for her to agree on Peter's idea of buying gifts, because Natasha did not know anything about celebrating the holidays as she never had one. She groaned, lazily agreed on taking Peter and Wanda to the store as they both could not drive alone in the busy morning New York street. Pepper would absolutely without question killed Peter if she knew no other Avengers beside Wanda to accompany him as they were both teenagers.

"You got all the stuff?" Wanda asked, putting down the gift she had prepared for Clint into the trolley.

Peter nodded, checking his note to make sure he skipped nothing. He had made a list of what he was going to buy for everyone with Wanda and they both shared their thoughts on what the other members seemed to like and would not seem to like. "Yeah, we just need to get another one for Thor," Peter's eyes were peering through the shelves that contained things to buy as a gift.

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