Author's Note

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To my dearest reader

Thank you all so much for reading this story!
Thank you for all the support you gave me until this very end and I'm so grateful with that. But as usual, I need to put an end to this book.
Well, college is starting soon enough and I need to stay focus until I'm graduating later.
I'll promise you it won't be too long.

So, I'm going to end this book. But you can still check out my NEMESIS book.
Thank you for the support by reading, liking, and commenting on this book.
I owe your love and interest so much!
I will take on a semi hiatus. You can still enjoy my other iron dad - spider son book.
But I won't make any one shoot for probably five months or so.

Thank you so much!

Lots of love,

Iᥒto Thᥱ Sριdᥱr 【Peter Parker | Avengers】Where stories live. Discover now