The Twentieth Questions

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So there had been changed lately in the compound after the last war with Thanos. The rogues members were starting to be accepted back to the compound and civilians were agreeing on letting their earth's mightiest heroes back and stay in New York. The Avengers had made compromise and some agreement to each other to settle everything up in the compound so no misunderstanding things would happen again between the team members. There had been a new addition to the team as Scott Lang and Carol Danvers were the newest member. Though both did not spend most of their time staying at the compound, but sometime they would suddenly appear and use the room that Tony had been intentionally prepared for them.

But the change was not just from that point. Everyone knew the only kid that Tony Stark been attached to lately was Peter Parker. None other than the vigilante hero— Spider-Man himself. The members were also comfortable at the presence of the kid after one week bonding time together with Peter. However, nowadays, they learnt something new. Another kid, they did not know anything about, was suddenly appeared in the compound and not even Natasha knew who the kid was. It started two days ago when Steve Rogers found a boy sitting in the living room with cookies and sodas, enjoying himself while watching TV. Steve knew about Peter's friends Ned and MJ, as they were both often invited to the compound if the boy had to work on a group project.

Steve was sure if that kid was not Ned or MJ. The boy was having blue eyes and blonde hair, he looked somewhat a teenagers, a little older than Peter. So when Steve spotted the kid, he thought he was Peter's friends as the kid did not stutter or nervously sweat when Steve asked him who he was. Turns out, the boy's name was Harley Keener and he came to the compound due to the billionaire's invitation and he was waiting for Tony from his meeting. F.R.I.D.A.Y was confirming the same information as what the kid said earlier. So he spent some time talking to the boy while waiting. To be honest, Steve quiet like the kid's personality. Sure, Harley was not as talkative as Peter. He was calmer than the spider kid. But that was what making Peter special to him.

Speaking of Peter, the kid was gone for his decathlon championship for two days and today was the day where the boy would be back. Steve and the others were already missing the kid. Especially Thor who was blabbering about him wanted to pick the boy up from the championship. Everything seemed to be better when Peter was around. The kid was like the glue that stick them together. They found it more comfortable to talk to Peter about what they were feeling. It was not easy for the team full of dysfunctional PTSD and anxiety to tell each other about how they were feeling. But the kid made it easier for them to relief their stress away by eating ice cream while talking, or binge watching, or just playing Mario Karts and betting on it.

So when the time came as everyone had predicted when Peter would come, the team was excited to see the boy's happy time after two days of separation. They were all in the living room when Peter's cheerful voice booming through entire room, asking where the Avengers and Tony Stark were. Peter had made a call with Rhodey yesterday, saying if he would come to the compound as soon as the big match ended to spend another day with May's permission. Unsuspiciously, May allowed her nephew to stay.

"Good afternoon, Peter. Welcome back," F.R.I.D.A.Y's Irish voice was the one who greeted the boy as soon as the elevator dinged, revealing Peter to the door of the living room.

"Good afternoon, F.R.I.D.A.Y!" he answered back, happily jumping on while walking to where the Avengers were. When he stepped into the room, the members were all chilling. Watching news while drinking soda or even eating the leftover. There had not been any mission at all and Nick Fury wanted the team to get more rest before another real mission coming.

"Peter!" Wanda was the first one to greet the little boy. As she ran to him and hugged the boy tight. "I miss you so much! How was the match?"

Peter smiled, the kind of smile everyone been missing. "I miss you too! Oh, it went well. Too well, thanks to MJ."

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