Ice Cube 2.0

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No one in Peter's school ever believed if Peter was an actual personal intern of the famous Tony Stark, nor found out if the skinny nerd little boy was actually Spider-Man— Queens' vigilante hero. But only Ned Leeds and Michelle Jones believed in Peter. Well, Ned would always believe in his bestfriend and he actually found out about Peter being Spider-Man accidentally. While MJ, well, she was observant. After the Homecoming, and when the three of them spent more time together, she found out real soon and had to put a trick to make Peter admitted his alter ego.

December was never been Peter's favorite month. Because the weather would be cold and Peter, as he got his powers from spider, did not do so well in cold. He barely found out about it when Tony found him in his room, unable to wake him up from his deep sleep and causing Bruce and all the best medical team in the compound to take care of him. Another thing that Peter really hated about December was because the final week was getting near. Of course, teacher from Midtown High School would never miss a chance such as giving a proper education to their young genius by giving more group projects.

Peter already got one from his Spanish subject. It was lucky he was pairing up with Ned and MJ. This morning, when he was going to go to school, he rambled to Tony all about his Spanish project when the billionaire called him to talk about the Spider-Man new suit whereas the Avengers knew the reason behind the inventor calls was because he missed Peter because it had not been weekend yet and the kid pretty much stayed with his aunt. Then Tony came up with an idea to let Ned and MJ visited the compound to work on the project. Plus Natasha, Clint, or even Bucky would willingly help Peter and his friends finishing the project. So, Peter told both Ned and MJ if they were invited to the compound.

MJ was just casually shrugged at Peter's idea on working the project in the compound the back to read her book again. Meanwhile Ned was totally the contrary of the sassy girl. Ned was excited, too excited even. Tony always mentioned if he really wanted to meet personally with Peter's guy in the chair after he found out if Ned was the one who hacked his multi million dollar suit for helping Peter chasing after the Vulture guy. In fact, Ned had received the invitation that he could come to the compound anytime, yet still did not find the perfect time due to all his busy schedules. Now was the gat chances to actually meet the famous billionaire and the Avengers.

Peter as pretty much the same hyped as Ned. It was still Thursday, and based on the deal between May and Tony, Peter was only allowed to the compound every weekend or if he was needed for the mission, or if Tony just wanted to give the boy his upgraded suit. So he was really happy to know that Tony let him to visit the Avengers headquarters even before the weekend. First, Tony afraid if Peter's visiting schedule which would always end up with both genius messing around in the lab would take too much of Peter's time and disturbing his school. Second, the compound was basically surrounded by too much secret agents and weapons, Tony did not want Peter get involved too deep with his world. Third, it was because May asked him to.

So here they were now, strolling down the hall of the headquarters after Happy picking them up from school. Peter greeted and waved back to a few agents of S.H.I.E.LD and intern that happened to walk pass by him. Sometimes they would stop and talk to Peter, then leave after that for their own work and mission. Ned was squeaking all along the way since Happy picked them up. Turns out, Natasha and Clint were still on the mission, but Bucky was in the living room. They were entering the elevator and Peter asked F.R.I.D.A.Y to bring them up to the living room.

"Ah, there they are!" Tony was the first to greeted the three teenagers after the elevator dinged and they just stepped their first foot on the floor. He was grinning as he hugged the boy closely, patting the back of Peter's back.

"Mister Stark!" Peter cheered, happily accepted the hug. His heart was pumping with excitement due to the thoughts of able to see the billionaire again.

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