Nice Meeting You

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"I told you how many times, Fury? You didn't listen! You mess with that kid, you mess with me!" Tony stormed, yanking the metal table who limited the distance between him and the tan skinned man in front of him.

It was not something surprising for the bald man in front of him to pay no interest in taking any threats Tony just assured him. He raised his one eyebrow as his dark brown eyes piercing through Tony's death glare. "What kind of a pleasure can I help you with, Stark?"

"Quit messing around! You hijacked the kid's vacation in Europe and what? You bring him to a war against this manipulative human beings with his smoky green magic!"

If Nick Fury did not pay any attention in the first guide to be a good leader of a secret international organizations that worked with the world's threat such as aliens and any strange beings, Fury would be sure tackling Stark to the ground while still be seated in his chair and sipping his black coffee. But Stark was one of his valuable source as one of the founding members of the Avengers, and he needed his genius brain and his willingness to stupidly sacrifice for the shake of the greater good. Because that was what the earth needed right now. A good example of selfless man who used to be called the egomaniac selfish rich boy.

"Yeah, I did. That's what I need to do," he said, casually leaning against the black chair with his eyes locking into the other blackish brown one. "Stark, he's Spider-Man. A superhero just like you. He's got a mad skill, and earth need someone like that kid to protect it. You can't just keep him inside your save barrier just because he's still a teenager. He's capable of something you won't imagine."

Tony leant over so his face was an inch closer to the director, anger was boiling inside of his body as he gritted his teeth. This man was somehow testing his patience, and he did not like the feelings of how his stomach twirling with so much anger. "I don't fucking care with the world's safety and how aliens will scrap around your pants or something. He's still a teenager, and a teenager is supposed to have fun with his life and going on a trip was one of those fucking things you called fun. But you— buddy, of all people ruined it, almost make the kid die in the process!"

"I don't understand you, Stark." he finally confessed after a brief silent to make the man calm by himself after yelling loudly in his office. Usually, he did not accept this kind of rudeness. But since it was the Tony Stark and famous with his rudeness surrounding his life and cocky attitude, he let it away. His eyes interlocking with the other brown eyes. Fury did not see that anger anymore, only fear and a glimpse of hurt surroundings it retina.

"Yeah, you will never, Nick. No one will." he stomped his feet, and began to walk away from the director's room. Did not quiet catching the meaning of those words that Nick just said to him. Well, most of the time, he could never be understood by people. They seemed did not truly care of the way he thinking.

Nick's words did not stop, he said, voice low and intimidating. "What's got you into that nerve about this boy anyway?"

Tony stopped dead track in his place. His heart felt like it just flew away from it very first place. His body turned cold and frozen, repeating those question in his mind. Right, Tony cared about Peter, what else would he do when his protégé was in danger because some mysterious man in black rain coat suddenly appear after not introducing himself properly in a god manners? That was all, was not it?  Ever since Peter died in Titan because of the disintegration, he had been questioning the same thing to himself.

When he arrived on earth, he had yet to face this unbearable grieving over his body. But he was eventually grateful when he found out that Pepper was all okay. He woke up every night from a nightmare and the first that always appeared in his open eyes was Peter's face. That stupid dorky smiling face of his that used to be seen whenever Tony was around, calling him nerds for his work in science everytime they gathered together in the lab. Or his adorable simple laugh whenever Tony mentioning relatable dead jokes over him as they both this dysfunctional PTSD that suffers from anxiety disorder.

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