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The Parker family never had any extravagant parties whenever new year was coming. Usually, Ben would wake Peter up from his deep sleep after going to the church and they would gather around the dining room with May's homemade cookies and they would stay up all night watching fireworks from the window of their old apartment where they could hear the people were counting from the time square as the new year was getting near. It did not sound like Peter hate the simple celebration for welcoming the new year though. In fact, Peter loved Ben's story about his and Richard Parker— Peter's biological dad wild adventure when they were still young. Ben would tell how much Richard physically resembled his own son, whereas Peter's attitude was pretty much Mary Parker.

This year, it was a bit different. Through the time, everything was starting to change. So did the Parker's family tradition on staying up all night as a complete happy family. Ben was died when Peter was thirteen. Leaving the boy to live with May alone. As May, from becoming a widow, she needed to take extra jobs everyday to support her and his nephew's life. So after the death of Ben, they spent so little time on big holidays such as Christmas or even new year. Because May needed to work extra for every money she got. Everything was fine after the last battle with Thanos and everyone was pretty much okay with the idea of bringing the Avengers back as one completed team. The billionaire himself was fine with the idea, so it was all settled. Since then, they all had been living in the compound.

That was bring Peter into another good thing. He just realized that Peter actually loved spending time in the crowded busy compound with a bunch of superheroes as his uncles and aunts. This year as the end of the year was getting near, Tony was actually coming up with a new idea. Peter was excitedly jumping around the compound and got scolded by Natasha because he almost spoiled her morning coffee after Tony announced that the King of Wakanda was inviting the team to enjoy the party to celebrate new year. Peter's last visiting was when he brought back from the disintegration and they were all being checked up by none other than Princess Shuri of Wakanda even though she was actually just getting back.

Both of them had been deciding on being bestfriend ever since. Peter was actually really excited on the invitation. Despite the main reason they were invited, Peter was just happy he could actually meet his long lost bestfriend again after the hard time between the Avengers. The main room was now filled with banquet. Foods were filling the table. It was not the time yet, but Peter's stomach was grumbling with sound and he sheepishly smiled when one of the member noticed, ruffling his hair and walked away with a glass of alcohol on their hands. Everyone was practically gathering around the main room, the maids were busy preparing for the event.

The ladies were all talking with either Queen Mother— King T'Challa's mother or Okoye— the scary general who happened to be the King's most trusted right hand man. Pepper even managed to reschedule her meetings so she could spend the last day of the year with everyone. In fact, she was also curious about Wakanda ever since the first time Peter excitedly mention it. One time when Peter just finished patrolling around Queens and he happened to successfully sneaked into the compound without anyone noticed, he received a phone call from none other than Princess of Wakanda herself when he was going to close his eyes, resting after the rough night. They talked many things and it was unsurprisingly making Peter forget his main purposes on coming back to the compound as they both talked until morning.

Shuri said she really wanted to meet Peter again after the last event and said she had been preparing a lot of cool stuff for both of them to try on. Unfortunately, Peter thought that would not be possible at the moment. Since he was having a final exam himself and currently in the middle of doubting himself if he would not die during the week of finals, Tony most likely forbid Peter from going out as Spider-Man or anywhere beside school and compound. Since May needed to work extra as the end of the year was near, she worried if nobody would take care of her nephew. So she asked Tony a permission to let Peter stayed until his finals week were over. Then suddenly, here he was, in Wakanda, just hours away from new year.

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