I'm Sorry, I Love You [PART 1]

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The compound was never quiet whenever Peter was around. However, today was not as it used too. It was not because Peter was not around or currently could not come to the compound to spend the long holidays like before. But precisely, it was because Peter was here in the compound and he had not been coming out from his room since morning. Everyone knew exactly why the kid was not in his usual bright behavior, but decided maybe that it would be best if Peter and Tony did it by themselves. It was all started yesterday, when they were just finishing the mission. Tony was gone furious when he knew if Peter decided to (for hundred times) jump into the action to save the billionaire from being kidnapped by their enemies.

The mission was supposed to be easy and did not have to be that extreme. But the kidnappers got the Avengers into thinking that there was no way they would dare to abduct one of the members while the others were outside, doing their mission in kicking ass. So, they did and forced Tony to follow them after disabling his suit which they did not know how. When Peter knew something was wrong the minute his mentor did not comeback to the assembly point which Steve had mentioned before, he began to panic and asked Karen instead to locate where Tony was. Karen's answer did not make any of Peter's sudden panic attack went calm as she said she could not relocate where the billionaire was because she could not get in contact with F.R.I.D.A.Y.

So Peter did what he thinks he should do. He went alone, looking for Tony. It was then right before the kidnapper tried to shoot Tony because he rejected to go with them, Peter appeared. He fought them and webbed them up with his webshooters. Everything was clear and Tony was saved. However, what Peter did not expect was that Tony went really furious when they arrived at the compound. He yelled at the kid which made Peter yelling back at his own mentor. Both of them was stubborn, both of them wanted to protect the others, and both of them did not know how to say it correctly and more importantly properly. So the yelling thing did not go as planned.

Tony did it because he was so afraid he could lose Peter in the hands of those kidnappers while he did not have his suit. Tony did not have any weapon and he could not protect the kid if the enemies hurt him. The last battle with Thanos was still imprinted in his memories, and every last breath of him could not forget the feeling when he saw Peter turned into dust. He had done and sacrificed many things in order to get his kid back. Yet now here he was, fighting with the kid just because he could not say what he wanted to say properly. Meanwhile Peter thought Tony hated him because he was trying to be a hero while saving his mentor's life.

The last time Peter was actually doing that, Tony forced him to hand him back the suit. So he thought this one was the same. The truth was, Peter could not get rid of the image of dying Ben on the street. His mind was in a total chaos when he found out that Karen could not find Tony anywhere and he slightly prayed if Tony would still be okay the time he got there. That he would still save his mentor whatever it costs. So he yelled back at Tony when the inventor scolded him, saying that he was not being responsible, saying that Peter should have been coming with the others and did not take any action by himself. Then locked himself up all night until this morning.

"Pete. . . breakfast is ready," a soft knock was heard from the outside. Steve took the first chance to try and get the kid out from the room. He knew how hurt Peter was, because he yelled at Tony, saying that he was sick of seeing his family died. Sometimes it was hard to lost someone that we loved the most, and when we got the change to love someone with the same unconditional love, it was hard to imagine anything bad happened to that person. So we would do anything to protect them.

"I'm not hungry, Uncle Steve." a muffled sound could be heard from the inside.

Steve sighed, he looked at the bacon and eggs in his hands. He had woken up all morning to prepare this to cheer up the boy, yet he knew if Peter would not let anyone come inside until he was ready. Until he felt that he was not hurt anymore. But Steve could not just let that happen, because he got the feeling if Peter would not come out of his room and skip all the meal.

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