New Start

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"Mister Stark, where are we going?" Peter had been asking the same question ever since they left the compound. The kid was uncontrollably jumping around whenever his shoes was stepping on the ground, feeling excited all over the place to go somewhere he did not even know where. Tony frowned at the kid from the rear view mirror. They had been going back and forth about it, and Peter still not used into calling him by Tony.

"It's Tony, bud, and we're visiting someone."

Was all Tony said since he woke up the kid from his sleeping. Peter had been staying at the compound again last night. After a full long boring college day in MIT, Tony figured if the kid deserved a break, and they decided to spend most of the time by tinkering in lab or with Peter sometimes showed Tony an educational video from YouTube called vines. Now Tony was able to communicate with the same language as either Peter or Shuri did everytime the Princess was visiting the Avengers. Not until Pepper dragged them out from the lab at four in the morning because she was somehow being woken up by a sound of explosions down in the lab. Then after guessing several possibilities, she came up with an only answer that could fit all the suspicion.

It was finally December. The coldest day of the winter season. The sky was overcast with clouds and chilly winds were blowing. The temperature went down to minus zero degrees. Outside it was extremely cold and foggy and nothing was visible clearly, sunlight looked like a moonlight. There were supposed to be in the compound, lying on the comfy couch while drinking hot chocolate made by Pepper with cookies and binge watching Netflix until the sun came down. But Tony decided that this year, after collecting all his encouragement, he decided he wanted to do it. Beside, Christmas was just a few days away. Tony had been avoiding this moment ever since the civil war tragedy happened between him and the rogues members.

Yet Rhodey and Pepper kept telling him how important this task to be done soon. Now, it was not the same year as it was before. Because Tony has achieved something that he thought he could not do it because of the cold mock Howard given him everyday since what it felt like the day he was born. So here he was right now, driving the newest black silk Audi car with Pepper, Peter, and. . . one additional family that would be introduced soon. Pepper was sitting in the passengers seat beside him, and Peter happily sat down in the back while sometimes talking to the other human being beside him who would laugh at anything he said despite they did not understand what.

"We are here," Pepper said a matter of fact as she unfastened her seat belt and walked out of the Audi car. She opened the other door, across from Peter where she picked up the tiny creature as it hoped onto Pepper's chest, and she immediately tucked the jacket to prevent the one she was holding from getting cold.

While Peter could only stare at the place in front of him. Rows of tombstones stood erect in silence to the left and right, in front and behind, like a sea of the dead. Some were crumbled with the weathering of centuries, some were smooth marble with new black writing and laid with floral tributes. Most though, were overgrown and unkempt, for now even their mourners had joined them under the clay soil. An upon the hill a new grave had been dug to await it's new occupant. The black hearse slowly wended it's way down the central lane followed by a procession of black limousines. The disembodied voices of souls that once walked the earth seemed to be carried through the fog that was rising from the cracks in the porous path. It sounded like wind was whistling through the trees, but there was no wind and not even the tiniest breeze. Tombstones were crumbling from the weathering that they had experienced throughout the years and the engravings had nearly disappeared.

Tony stood beside him, holding his hand tight after making sure that the sweater was covering Peter's body warmly. He faintly smiled, ruffling his hair through Peter's curly hair as their footsteps were echoing through the empty field. It was neat. Row upon row of white marble tombstones all rising from the manicured grass. Each one was perfect, polished and exactly the same as all of the others, except the name it bore. They were lined up perfectly with those in front and behind, a city block for the dead. Peter could tell if Tony was not quiet enjoying their trip to this place as he kept his shoulders attached with Peter at the time and his eyes gazing upon one place to another with Pepper following behind them as she held closely the pink bundle.

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