Chapter Two

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At first, Mom and Dad refused to let me go to Rosewood. According to them, I wasn't responsible and mature enough to deal with the death of my best friend. I finally convinced them, saying it was out of respect and, anyways, I needed to confront my fears. I was going to stay there a week, leaving the day after the funeral. I decided to call Hanna, Aria, Spencer, and Emily.

Aria used to be a better friend of mine than Spencer, Emily and Hanna so I decided to call her first.

"Hello?" Her mom answered.

"Hi, Ella. It's Crys" Ella Montgomery always rather me call her by her first name.

"Crys! I understand you're coming to Rosewood for Ms.DiLaurentis's funeral?" Funny how since she's officially dead, everyone respects her so much more. Ella used to call her Ali.

"Yeah, I was wondering if I could speak with Aria?"

"Of course, hang on a second while I get her" I waited a few minutes before Aria picked up.

"Hi" The boldness in her voice surprised me.

"Hey, it's Crys"

"Yeah, I know" Was I imagining that barely noticeable accent in her voice?

"I'm coming to Rosewood, I'll be there for Ali's funeral"

"See you then" She hung up without letting me say goodbye.

That awkward conversation with my ex-best friend convinced me to pass calling Spencer, Hanna and Emily. I felt stupid calling attention to my coming, and more- I felt rejected by someone who was once my friend, my best friend

"You should call Tim" Mom's voice echoed from the living room. As expected, she eavesdropped on my conversation with Aria. At least she let me skip calling Emily, Spencer and Hanna.

Tim was my 'boyfriend'. We weren't exactly together, but we did kiss a few times and we hung out a lot too.

"Maybe tomorrow" I didn't want anyone except for Caro to know about my dead friend.

"You're leaving tomorrow" She pointed out.

"Yeah, I know" I replied, acting oblivious to the fact I wouldn't have a chance to call Tim the following day.

The cab came to pick me up at 10:00 AM. Mom and Dad were right about one thing- I wasn't responsible enough to wake up that early on a Sunday.

I was a very good student, so missing a week of school was no problem- except for the fact that since the third day of school I hadn't gone. But my parents didn't need to know that, right?

I got to Rosewood around noon, got comfortable in my hotel room and decided to go for a walk and also to buy myself something to eat for lunch.

There was a Walmart close to the hotel, but my favorite restaurant was just a little further but on the other side of the hotel.

I planned to go to the restaurant then the supermarket. The rest of the day I would spend in my hotel room; there was a dinner buffet at the hotel, and I didn't want to run into anyone I knew from 7th grade.

My plan was ruined when I entered the restaurant and saw Hanna Marin and Mona Vanderwaal. I was surprised to see the two together; in 7th grade, Alison's group, including Hanna, hated Mona.

I was even more surprised by how they looked. Skinnier than I remembered them both, with the kind of clothes Ali would wear, and jewelery: lots of it.

Keeping my back to them, I headed to a table in the corner. The place wasn't fancy, but it was the onlygoodseafood restaurant in Rosewood, and I absolutely loved seafood.

After ordering, I needed to go to the restroom; which, of course,had to be in the corner opposite where I sat, and in-between us were Hanna and Mona.

Then, I did something that surprised even me. I got up and walked straight to their table. Confronting my fears was what I had in mind. I was afraid they would treat me the way Aria had on the phone, but tried to think only positive thoughts as I approached them.

"Hi" The way my body angled, it was clear I was talking to Hanna.

"Hey! Emerald, right? I completelylove your name" Mona answered. I moved to face her, smirking.

"It's Crystal. You're Meana, right?" I answered in a sickeningly-sweet manner.

"It's Mona" She corrected me through clenched teeth.

"And Hanna" I turned again to face Hanna, who was trying to hide a smile unsuccessfully.

"Crys! we haven't talked in likeages!" She squealed, getting up to hug me. I hugged her back, doing the loser sign to Mona.

"We should really catch up sometime, but my meal's here! Bye" I smiled at Hanna then at Mona and bounced away to the restroom.

I got home at around 17:00 (5:00 PM) without meeting anyone else I knew.

I used my laptop until around 20:00 (8:00PM), and went down to the hotel's lobby to eat.

I got there and the smell hit me first. It smelled like rotten eggs mixed with alcohol. I immediately headed out of the hotel; I would never be able to eat with that stench.

I wasn't very hungry, I ate only a few hours before and I atea lot. Forgetting the risk of meeting someone I knew, I headed to Snookers, my favorite bar in the area.

In seventh grade we wouldn't go near that place since it was where older people got wasted, but I knew of the place and if it was as good as the bar near my house, it was worth a try.

It was early when I got there- around 21:30 (9:30 PM), and I was alone except for a girl and guy making out in the corner.

I ordered a Scotch, my favorite. I sat there, every few minutes taking a graceful sip from my drink. I had finished it half way when he came in.

He was quite tall, with a cute face and green eyes. His wavy dark brown hair was messed up, and he smiled showing perfect white teeth. He headed for the seat on my left; I trusted my instincts and turned to face the wall on my right, moving a seat in that direction.

"I don't bite" His voice was soft, welcoming, but somehow also protective.

"I'm pretty sure you do" I answered playfully. I didn't want to get involved with any guy in my week long trip to Rosewood. He chuckled, flashing me his brilliant white teeth again.

"What's that, a Scotch?" He asked, gesturing to my drink.

"Yes" I answered, turning away from him again. I finished my drink and left.

I sat in my car, trying to decide whether it was safe to drive after just one drink, when Aria entered the bar.

She sat far away from the guy, but he still started talking to her. They talked for a few minutes, I was too lost in thought imagining what they could be talking about; Aria, the freak (don't take it the wrong way Aria, but that's who you were... You were still my best friend... I added in my mind), and this cute guy.

I didn't get to see Aria's face, but her profile showed she had changed. From her makeup to her high heels, she was more Ali than I ever thought possible for a girl like her. I thought of Hanna, how she changed too.

My attention snapped back to Aria and this mystery guy when he put his hand on her knee. He had scooted closer to her, and when he touched her she gasped, looking like she saw a ghost. They talked a little longer then they simultaneously got up and walked towards the restrooms, staring at each other the whole way.

Gross, I thought. She had known him for about half an hour. This girl was no where near the Aria I knew. Everyone seemed more and more like her. Alison DiLaurentis.

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