Chapter Five

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If my loud heartbeat wouldn't expose me, my clumsiness would. The first thing I did when I walked through Ali's door into her house was slam the door shut. It was an automatic gesture; no thinking involved. Emily and the other girl were walking up the stairs and they both jumped when they heard the loud BOOM of the door shutting. "It's just the wind, it happens a lot" The girl reassured Emily. Surprisingly, Emily did seem calmer, even though in all the hundreds of times we were at Ali's all throughout seventh grade, the door never once slammed shut by the wind. I had to stifle a laugh from my hiding spot in the coat closet. I heard the thumps of their feet as they climbed up the creaky staircase, and got out about a minute after I heard the last thump. My whole body was shaking, either from trespassing on private property or from being in my dead best friend's house, I didn't know nor did I care. As silently as I could, I crept up the staircase. It's old age and need of maintenance wasn't in my favor, and neither was my horrible memory.

Ali and I were having a sleepover, just the two of us, when we decided to attend a party. We got back at 2AM, and we didn't tell Ali's parents where we were, or even that we were out of the house, so we had to be perfectly quite on the way back to her room. Rule number one: when on the staircase, do not use the handrail. Rule number two: remember to skip over the last stair.

I leaned against the handrail for a second to calm myself and my erratic heartbeat. I jumped up a step when I heard the loud and surprising squeak of my weight on the handrail. Of course, the step I jumped onto was the last one. Fortunately, the door to Ali's- or now the new girl's- room was closed, and from inside you could barely hear if someone was screaming your name just outside the door. But I also knew that Emily's hearing was impressive, and in my case, very very bad luck. I stood still, barely breathing, when Emily opened the door just enough to slip her head through and look around. She saw me and gasped, letting go of the door handle flinging it open. I was already running to what was once Jason DiLaurentis's (Alison's brother's) room. "What is it?" The other girl asked, and I was already in the room so I couldn't see where they were. "I-I thought I saw my- an old friend, one that was also Ali's friend... But she moved... She's not in Rosewood..." Emily stuttered. "It's probably just the weed, your hallucinating. That's what happened to me the first time I smoked some" The girl said. WEED?! I almost shouted. Even Emily was becoming more like Ali with her badass ways. Not caring if they heard, I raced downstairs and out of the house, once again slamming the door shut.

I ran all the way back to my hotel room, not stopping until I was in the elevator. I was panting and sweating, but I didn't care. The only word that pumped through my head was Alison. Alison. Alison. And I couldn't help worry. Was I more like her, too? There was only one way to find out- if Spencer was more like her too, I must be too. I've had enough adventures for one day, I thought. I flopped exhausted on my bed, too scared to notice my beeping alarm clock. After a few minutes of resting, I got up to see what my phone wanted. Oh, great. Snookers is calling! Snookers, Snookers, Snookers! Why did I set myself such an annoying alarm clock message? I needed to be there in half an hour, and I needed to take a shower first, though with how I was smelling I would blend in great with the smell of the bar. 

Another worker was already at the bar; last night I had worked alone, weird. "Hi" I greeted him. He ignored me, staring into space. "You work here?" I tried to make conversation, though the answer was obvious. I didn't know him, though he seemed about my age. He nodded slowly, not averting his gaze to even glance at me. "I don't recognize you. You go to Rosewood Day?" I asked, a second attempt at making things less awkward between us. "Used to. I got... Kicked out" He picked his words carefully, as if not to tell me something he shouldn't. "Kicked out?" I hoped I sounded impressed. I never knew anyone who got kicked out of Rosewood. "What'd you do to get kicked out?!" I practically yelled while hysterically laughing. I was very good at making conversations less awkward {NOTE THE SARCASM}. Instead of getting angry, he grinned at me. "Got messed up with the wrong people. I understand you go there?" I chose my answer carefully. "I used to as well... I guess I could say the same thing about myself" I meant I got messed up with the wrong people- Alison DiLaurentis would be on the list of wrong people to anyone who knew her. "You got kicked out?" He sounded more impressed than me. "No... My parents kicked me out of Rosewood. I got messed up with the wrong people, too" I grinned back at him and he stepped closer to me. "Would it be too personal to ask who?" like he cared, the back of my mind said. The thing is- this complete random stranger seemed to really care. And that was more than enough for me to think of a relationship with him, even just as friends, dangerous. I don't know why I thought of him as dangerous, but the way he smiled while talking about getting kicked out of school, the way he went along when I was being totally weird, the way he made me want to step closer when he did, and the way I knew I liked him before I even knew his name; it scared me. "Um... Yes" I took a step back and felt the cool wall against my back. I suddenly realized how small the bar was. He came closer and I felt his sweet-scented  breath on my face. His lips were so close to mine... He put his hand on my waist, pulling me closer to him. Suddenly, he staggered to the side, moving the hand that was seconds ago touching me softly to his red cheek. I peeled myself away from the wall, looking to the other side- it was Noel. Noel punched the stranger for me. Not that I wanted him to, but... It was still something. "Crys, what are you doing with" Noel glanced at him in disgust, "What are you doing with Jason DiLaurentis?!" I looked at Jason, my mouth forming a  big O. "You're.... Ali's.... Brother" I swallowed hard, nervous. I had never seen him before. Ali let everyone except me see him, and I had no idea why. "You knew her?" He couldn't hide the pain in his voice. "I'm Crystal, we were best friends..." I knelt down next to where he landed from Noel's blow. "I never saw you" He pointed out, as if accusing me of lying. "She wouldn't let me see you. I don't know why... I really like you" I said the last part without thinking; this guy was my dead ex-best friend's older brother. "I know why" He barely whispered. "Having a moment there, Crys?!" Noel's angry voice came from behind me but I ignored him. "Why?" I felt his hands wrap around mine. "She knew... She knew I was your type and you were mine" Noel laughed, and I couldn't stifle my laugh. "So? She didn't want us to like each other? That's why I never saw you?" A big group of people about Jason's age came into the bar, each howling with laughter about something one of them must've said. "C'mon, we have work to do" He said, giving my hands a little squeeze before going back to his job. "Why are you here?" I asked Noel suspiciously. He came alone, and he also came before the bar opened. "I wanted to talk to ask you something, but I already know the answer" He said, taking a step back. "What question?" I asked. "If you like me" He answered, leaving the bar. "Everything okay?" I felt his strong hand on my shoulder, and I knew that whatever I felt for Noel (I still felt something for him, I was sure of it from the way it hurt when he chose for me that I didn't like him) was nothing compared to what I felt for Jason. "No..." I stepped back, knowing he would wrap his arms around me and make me feel safe. He did exactly that. "I don't think your friends likes me" There was amusement in his voice. "I do" I answered without thinking, again. "You said that already" Was he avoiding saying he liked me back? "Did I now?" I matched my amused voice to his. It took all my will power to pull out of his arms; it was much more comfortable with them around me. I took his hand and entwined our fingers together, taking my time. He smiled at me silently while I did, then put his other hand and tilted my head back to look up at him. "So... Where were we?" He asked, his ridiculous smile not leaving his face for a second. "We were about... Here" And then I kissed him. And everything changed.

For the next chapter, I need three votes\comments, I just don't get any and it's making me sad :( haha so vote\comment (while your at it you can fan me as well) and I'll love you forever <3 <3 <3

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