Chapter Nine

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I looked down at my phone; a message from unknown. Oh, great. Not this again. The S.M.S made me jump higher than Ari had the night before. "Aria's not going to like this now, is she?" Attached was a photo of my kiss with Noel. Only one thought repeated itself in my mind;


I got back to my hotel as quickly as I could, the taste of Noel's lips seemed so distant. Aria would hate me if she found out, even if I was the one who told her. Yeah, she had a huge crush on him three years ago, but I knew her too well to say that she moved on. And there I was, kissing her crush. And this 'A' person knows about the kiss, and even has a picture?! How?! Thousands of thoughts raced through my mind as I tried to find a rational answer. Of course, we were in the middle of the street, visible to everyone, though I could've sworn the street was empty. I dumped out the contents of my purse, maybe there was a hidden camera in it- I then decided to throw away the purse itself, not wanting to take any risks. I added a purse to my mental list of things I needed to buy. The list was only getting larger. My phone buzzed, and my shaking hand shot out to grab it. Calm down, I thought to myself, it's just Mom. I will not run after you. You miss school, it's on your personal record. Don't think you'll get away with this. This is your responsibility, you're old enough to take care of yourself. I couldn't help roll my eyes, the situation I was in was much worse than missing a few days of school. The last sentence sent a chill down my spine- was I old enough for this? I certainly didn't feel that way. But what was 'A' trying to do? Make Aria and I become further apart? If that was even possible... Look at the good side, you can stay in Rosewood as long as you want to! I told myself, though part of me still wasn't convinced staying in Rosewood would be good for me, or for Aria. My phone buzzed twice; the first S.M.S from Mom, again. Don't expect me to communicate with you. I don't expect any communication with you, at all, while you're staying there. Also, unless you have enough money, you'll have to leave your hotel today. No communication with her was fine by me. But where would I stay? Emily's... It was my only choice. She wouldn't convince me to try weed, right? No, she wouldn't. Emily wouldn't do that. But who is Emily, because she's definitely not the girl I met four years ago... I moved on to the next S.M.S. I think you know a little bit too much. You know Hanna's secret, don't you? At least partially, if I'm correct. And Aria's. Wasn't that guy at the bar cute? Oh, and Emily... Who would've expected Emily to be such an... Alison? Haha. What about Spencer? Find out her secret as well, the girls just might think you're me... This is what I suggest, if you don't want anyone to know your secret. Stay at Emily's, go to Rosewood Day. Find out all their little, dirty secrets. And bring them to me. I can assure you that if you do that, at least your secrets will be safe with me. -A There was my answer. Would it be that bad if Aria found out? Yes, it would. Especially coming from A.

Three hours later I was at Emily's house, putting my stuff in her room. She had gone to the bathroom; this was my chance. I started searching her room for any sign of weed, pot, anything really. I looked everywhere, and found nothing. I was disappointed until I figured out what it meant. Emily wasn't smoking. But then again, what was she doing in Ali's house? Though the girl she was with had said it was Emily's first time... Just then Emily walked in with her bright smile and welcoming eyes. "You can use some of my clothes if you want. Especially since you'll be staying here a while, going to Rosewood Day." She walked over to her closet and I stood there, stunned. I never told her I would be attending Rosewood Day. "How'd you know I'm going to school here?" I was rooted to my spot, unable to blink. Was Emily A? "Your Mom called, saying you would be going to school with me. Why, is there a problem?" She looked confused; she was telling the truth. Had A told her I was attending school in Rosewood? Obviously the answer was yes- it had to be. "No, not at all. She told me she was still thinking about me transferring to Rosewood Day, that's it. I guess it's final!" I smiled. "I hope we can become good friends again. With Ari, Spence and Hanna too. I miss us." She admitted. I nodded and my phone buzzed. Don't you agree, Crys? You can all become best friends again, like the old days! But with three years have come more than three secrets... Good luck in finding them all. -A

I gasped, and across the room, Emily gasped as well. She was staring at her phone, eyes wide with shock. "It's A." She said, frightened. I nodded grimly, looking at her. I wondered what A had sent her. "What's your secret?" She whispered.

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