Chapter Eight

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"I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything. -A" They read aloud in unison, turning around to face me, each shoving their phones in my face. Suddenly, surprising us all, my phone beeped as well. Slowly I pulled it out of my jean's back pocket, gasping at what I saw. "Yes, Crys. Everything. -A"

I called Mom, telling her I needed to stay in Rosewood for at least another week. By then Ari, Spence, Emily, Hanna and I would figure out who sent those threatening S.M.Ss, I hoped. She said staying even another hour in Rosewood was out of the question- her reaction to me not contacting her in the past week. I finished the short argument with, "Well, Mom, this is my life. I have to stay here. I met up with Ari, Spence, Hanna, Emily, y'know. Oh, I also met Jake. Dad's best friend- well at least he was Dad's best friend. Before we moved, goddamnit!" And hung up. I wondered how much time I had until Mom would drag me out of Rosewood, me kicking and screaming.

Last night we had decided to keep the terrifying S.M.Ss to ourselves, not wanting to lose our phones or be guarded 24/7, and that was obviously what our parents would do if they found out. We talked about that for a few short minutes, then went home (or in my case back to the hotel, which I really needed to find out a way to stay in Rosewood- I didn't have enough money to pay for another week, and Mom would never agree to pay. Emily offered I stay her house, I immediately thought about the amounts of weed there could be in her room, and rejected the offer.) since it was getting late, and, well, we were scared. I was probably the most scared- I never knew anything about 'A' until yesterday. I didn't know why I believed them- it could've been a trick, but somehow the looks on their faces convinced me they were saying the truth.

Since it was Monday I had the whole morning to myself. I spent the time worrying where I was going to sleep the next night. I considered Emily's house an option, but there were places I'd rather sleep, like a dark alley with bats. OK, so maybe I was over-obsessive with her resemblance to Ali, but imagining Emily smoke made me want to puke. Emily was a people pleaser, not a bad-ass weed-smoker. I needed a distraction from all my problems, and fast. I found only one thing to do, and it proved just how bored I was.

I stood in front of Rosewood Day. Nothing had changed about the school. I'd expected there to be something to remember Ali by, at least a small note, but after circling the school a few times I came to the conclusion the school wanted nothing to do with her disappearance. And death, I had to remind myself. The funeral was only yesterday though it felt like thousands of centuries had passed since. My heart started hammering in my chest as the school's bell rang. The steady rhythm it had before was forgotten, replaced by a pounding so loud I only noticed Noel when he tapped my shoulder. "Hey, what're you doing here?" He asked, not caring to hide the excitement in his voice, "I was calling your name but you didn't respond..." He quickly pulled his hand away from my shoulder, though the heat of his touch still lingered there. I was sure he could hear my heart beat as well; since he had touched me it's rate had gone up by an infinite amout of beats. What I felt towards Jason, I now realized, was absolutely nothing compared to this. Before I had thought Jason and I could've had something before the concussion- now I knew we had nothing, nothing at all. "Let's get out of here" I said, my voice a whisper. I couldn't believe what I had just asked him. I stared into his eyes, wondering what he thought about my accidental request. "What about DiLaurentis?" He asked, and I could've sworn I heard a hint of jealousy in his voice. I was proved right when the jealousy crept it's way into his eyes. "He's an ass." I said simply, though I knew he was nice and caring. I would say anything for Noel to come with me. What was wrong with me? I didn't really care, but more students poured out from the school and all I wanted was to get away. With him. "How do you know I'm not an ass?" He asked, his lips drawing a thin straight line. "I don't know. Maybe you should prove it to me..." There I was blurting things out, again. His eyes lef mine, wandering down to my lips, then lower. "I have practice..." His voice trailed off as his eyes went back to my lips. "How many times have you been with a girl instead of going to practice?" I asked, trying to add annoyance to my voice, but failing. "None" He said, his eyes meeting my gaze then quickly away. I tried to figure out what was wrong, why he wasn't looking at me anymore. I thought of no other reason than he didn't like me. But then he bit his lip, and I crossed off that option. "There's a first time for everything..." The desire in my voice was clear. What was he doing to me? How was he able to do this to me? His glance went back to me, or more like my body. "Come on" I said, walking past him in the direction of my hotel. Rosewood was so small, I could walk almost everywhere from my hotel. I wondered how long it would take to get to my room, and quickened my pace. Doing this also made my shorts go up a bit, now he had to follow me. "Where?" He asked. I told him the address, slowing my pace because he was slightly behind me. I felt his warm arm wrap around my waist, pulling me to him. His body warmed mine, the need to kiss him grew stronger. Instead of continuing to walk, his hand angled so that I flung into place almost no space between our lips. Glancing around nervously, his lips attacked mine. My hand was in his hair, the other around his neck. Our legs were tangled together, our bodies fitting each other perfectly. "And now, I have practice" He said after the magic moment ended. I nodded, pulling away from his reach. I was going to far. I would stay here only a week, I couldn't afford a relationship. My phone beeped, I grabbed it out of my pocket, turning away from Noel. I heard his heavy footsteps as they faded away. I looked down at my phone; a message from unknown. Oh, great. Not this again. The S.M.S made me jump higher than Ari had the night before. "Aria's not going to like this now, is she?" Attatched was a photo of my kiss with Noel. Only one thought repeated itself in my mind;


~A/N: FIRST OF ALL, PLEASE CHECK OUT!!!!!!!! haven't updated in a while, anyone miss me? ;) a short chapter, but I think the romantic twist in the end was a good cliff hanger. Thanks for your reads and votes!!!!!!! They mean so so so much to me :D Want me to update more often, or think other people might enjoy this as well?




Like my writing? Read my other stories! Hehe thanks to everyone, also if anyone has ideas for me to add, comment/message me the idea and I might use it :) Love y'all, byeeee~

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