Chapter Ten

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"Me?" I stuttered, trying to think of a secret I could pretend to have. If I told Emily that A was threatening me this way, A would probably kill me in a matter of seconds. I looked at the S.M.S once again. I couldn't believe this was happening, what the Hell did I do? Why me?!

 "Is it something that happened after you moved away from Rosewood?" She asked, urging me to spill my secrets with her eyes, her deep brown eyes. "Is it with a boy?" She continued to question me after realizing my lips were sealed.

My phone beeped once again, and I slowly averted my gaze from her penetrating eyes to the S.M.S I had just received. How about... secret for secret? I like the sound of that. Do you know Emily's secret yet? All of it? -A.

I had no choice but to go along with the idea A had given me. I didn't know where it would lead me to, what secret I would tell Emily, but it was worth a try. "If I tell you mine you have to tell me yours." I finally spoke up after Emily finished her interrogation which I did not go along with.

That got her to shut up. She muttered something to herself, under her breath. With how she had changed I wouldn't be surprised if she was cursing. "We shouldn't keep secrets, it'll give A an advantage. We shouldn't keep secrets from each other at least." She pointed out. Emily was always good at persuading, but Alison was better. And I had trained myself not to give in to people like Ali, like Emily.

"I agree." I answered simply. "A does have the advantage. You don't know by how much." I added in a quiet mutter that somehow Emily's ears had picked up. "I bet my secret's worse." She was trying to get under my skin, but I had never been one for competitions. "Say that to Spence." I replied, my thins in a straight line and my eyes staring past Emily.

"Why, what's her secret?" She asked. So Emily didn't know Spence's secret. But Spence had to have one, right? If she didn't have one, how could A be using her? A thought entered my brain, what if A is using all five of us in the same way? Could his motive be to break our friendship?

"I don't know." I answered, annoyed by the obvious fact that no one knew nothing about the other. Except me. "I'm hungry." I changed the subject, trying to lighten the mood. It didn't help. "Were you anorexic?" Emily's brow furrowed. "Um, no. I actually gained weight since I left Rosewood." I answered, confused. Had I lost weight? I had been eating out a lot, though I never really liked Rosewood's food. But Emily knew that.

"Oh." Was how she responded. She was going to be watching me for the next few days, I knew that. And she would try to find every flaw she could. She would turn the smallest mistake into a huge deal- and I was scared. Not just scared, terrified.

I was terrified of my relationship with A, my lies to my mother, my secrets, and most of all- my friends, the ones that were supposed to help me in all this mess, they were just making the mess messier.

They were pressuring me to tell them my secrets, while I was trying my hardest to figure out theirs all while I'm trying to keep a best friend relationship with them. I didn't know what A inteded to do, but he was tearing my life apart piece by precious piece, slowly and aggravatingly. I just wanted my life to move on and to forget Rosewood and Ali and Noel and Jason and everything. It was so stupid to go back to Rosewood in the first place.

"Fine. Let's go eat." We exited her room and entered her kitchen where we grabbed a snack then she went out to meet Maya and I went to her room, frantically trying to contact my friends outside of Rosewood.

I went on Facebook, since by S.M.S they could see my whereabouts, which was something I didn't want happening. I started off with Jackie, since she was my best friend and knew about the phone call.

Jackie- sup wit u girl? were u been?

Crystal- i left skool, im not comin bak

Jackie- wtf?! get ur ass over here this moment! ur not leavin me, i didnt even get 2 say goodby!

Crystal- nows ur chance

Jackie- i want 2 say goodby 2 ur face!

Crystal- facetime me

Jackie- I gotta go. and facetime aint gonna b nuff. i need time wit ur face.

Jackie has logged off.

I sighed. That didn't go well. Jackie wanted me back home, and I wanted to go there too. I glanced at my S.M.Ss, waiting to get one from A saying I could return to living my normal life.

As expected, nothing came. I tried Lavender, a good friend of mine.

Crystal- lav, ik ur on!

Lovelav- fineeeee! y rnt u comin to skool? i miss ya

Crystal- im sick.

Why had I said I was sick? That was stupid of me! Jackie knew I wasn't sick, now both Jackie and Lav would be angry with me... Exactly what I needed to complete my day.

After talking to Lavender for a while longer, I drove into deep slumber. Finally, one place where I could just relax.

All too soon, my beauty sleep was taken away and replaced by sunlight streaming into Emily's room, blinding me. I blinked my eyes furiously, trying to adjust to the light. After a few minutes of failure I could see the outline of shapes. That was enough for now. I got up, then found the perfect solution to my problem- I rubbed my eyes, then everything was clear.

And unluckily, my gaze caught on Emily's calendar. Ah, of course.

Today was my first day in Rosewood Day.

What fun.


~A/N: OMFG!!! I finished! Calm down, I just finished PLL 1, Flawless. I'm going to make this hard on you ;) 10 votes for PLL 2! ON THIS CHAPTER!! Love y'all, thanks for reading. Be sure to fan me so that you know when I upload the sequel to this! Goodbye for now, I hope you enjoyed :D~


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