The Sleepover

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~A/N (that means author's note, I think) : I started writing a new story **NOT POV** and, basically, it's about this girl that accidentally marries a vampire, the girl happens to be a princess, and I'm not going to spoil it anymore than I just did. So if you could spend two minutes to at least just check it out I would appreciate it, thanks. BTW this is the night of Ali's death, so it happened before all the other stuff I wrote. I'm writing this because I passed the 100 reads (yesterday!!!) so, yeah. Love you all, enjoy!~

"I learned how to hypnotize people" Ali said. Aria, Spencer, Emily, Hanna, Ali and I were sitting cross-legged in a circle in Spencer's barn. It was the last day of seventh grade, and we were having a sleepover. "Hypnotize?" Spencer asked suspiciously. "Matt's sister taught me" Ali explained. "How do you do it?" Hanna asked eagerly. "Sorry, she swore me to secrecy. You want to see if it works?" Ali asked, and I had to clench my teeth together to not scream "No!". I told Ali about Noel and me being a couple last year, and by hypnotizing me she could make me blurt that out to Aria, who had the biggest crush on him. "I don't know..." Aria frowned. "Me neither" I agreed. "Why not?" An innocent look passed through Ali's features, and Aria glanced at me; I knew why she didn't want to be hypnotized. She had a big, big secret only Ali and I knew. I looked away, feeling guilty of my secret. "Doesn't hypnosis make you say stuff you don't want to say?" Aria asked, and I nodded. "Is there something you can't tell us?" Ali asked, looking back and forth between Aria and me. "And why do you still bring that pig puppet everywhere?" Ali pointed at it. Aria shrugged and pulled the stuffed pig out of her bag. "My dad got me Pigtunia in Germany. She advises me on my love life." Aria stuck her hand into the puppet. "You shoving your hand up it's butt!" Ali squealed and Emily started to giggle. "Besides, why do you want something your dad gave you?" This was going too far. "Why wouldn't she? Just because your dad doesn't buy you these kind of things doesn't mean you need to be jealous of Aria and be rude." I challenged Ali. Emily and Hanna stared at me in awe, not believing what I just said. "Being hypnotised, um, does sound sort of a sketch" Spencer stopped the fight that was forming. "You don't know anything about it." Ali said quickly, averting her death stare from me and narrowing her eyes at Spencer. "C'mon, I could do it to you all at once." She insisted. I exchanged glances with Aria nervously. "Puh-leeeeeze?" Ali asked. "Emily, you want to do it, right?" "Um..." Emily's voice quavered. "Well..." "I'll do it." Hanna butted in. "Me too" Emily said quickly after. Spencer and Aria reluctantly nodded. I was the last to give in. Ali prepared the ceremony, then stood back and hummed. She started saying something, but I didn't listen- why did I agree to this? I'm so stupid, I thought. Ali started to slowly count backwards from 100, and I closed my eyes. Once reaching 1, she tapped me. Nothing happened. I opened one eye slowly, seeing Spencer by the window arguing with Ali. Their voices seemed distant, as if I was watching them from a distance. I came to my senses, and concentrated on their argument. "Leave" Spencer pointed at the door. "Fine" Ali left the barn. "Good!" Spencer said, whipping her head in my direction to see if anyone had witnessed any of it. I closed my eyes quickly. Probably regretting what she had done, Spencer ran outside shouting something I couldn't fully catch. "Ari, Ari" I poked Aria gently, waking her up. "What is it?" She groaned. "Ali left, and Spencer went to look for her. We should help her" I whispered, careful not to wake Emily or Hanna. "Leave me here" She whispered. "Fine" I rolled my eyes, striding out of the barn and into the cool night breeze. "Spencer?" I yelled. "I'm here" She said, a few feet in front of me. It was pitch black, and my eyes didn't seem able to adjust. "Where's Ali?" I asked. "I don't know" Spencer whispered. "Let's go home, she'll probably call tomorrow" My voice was shaking. "Ok..." I left, running away as fast as I could.

~Shorter than I anticapated, but whatev. Hoped you like it :D~

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