Chapter Four

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I had to deal with a few more kids from school at the bar, though most of them were either older than me or didn't remember me. After all, three years had passed since I was last in Rosewood. I didn't think about Rosewood a lot since I moved; all I could think about was The Jenna Thing, or how we were with Ali minutes before she disappeared... It was all Spencer's fault. She got into a fight with Ali, and made her leave. Spencer stood up to Ali- from my point of view, back then, I was impressed. But now I realize it's her fault Ali died. Had Spencer let her stay, I would probably still be in Rosewood with my five bestfriends since 7th grade.

"Kiddo? Crys? Kiddo Crys?" I was daydreaming, and Jake was the one to wake me up. "Oh, hey" I answered, feeling a little nauseous from the memory of the sleepover. "Hey! I just came to wrap things up here, kiddo. So, your pop let you stay in Rosewood?" He asked. "Oh... Pop? Could you cover for me?" I hadn't thought of contacting my parents about the extra half week, it slipped out of my mine while I sat the whole day with my computer locked up in my hotel room with no where to go, thinking about who I might meet at the bar that evening. I licked my lips, still feeling Noel's warm touch on them. I smiled despite my tries not to, I didn't want to look like an idiot in front of someone I just asked to help me. "Cover for you? See, kiddo, I would be able to do that if you were gone for a few hours, maybe even a day. But half a week? Sorry, kiddo, no-can-do. And if you can't stay, the job's going to be a different kiddo's. Sorry, kiddo Crys" I tried to think of a solution; no way Mom and Dad would let me stay another half week in Rosewood, they barely let me stay this week. "I'll figure something out. Thanks again for the job, Jake" I smiled politely and went to my car.

'Figuring something out' wasn't working well for me. I spent the next day in my hotel room, thinking of ways to convince Mom to let me stay. I thought of writing a letter:

Dearest Mom,

A flood occurred in my hotel room the other night. Since all my clothes are stained, I need to by myself new ones. I got myself a job at a bar, but on one condition- I stay in Rosewood another three or four days! So, I'll see you three or four days later then planned.

From me, your loving and caring daughter,


I gave up after the first try. If she received that letter, Mom would drive here full speed and take me back home the day she got it. After hours of thinking and asking Caro for advice, I decided that telling Mom wasn't my first priority, so that could wait. One thing I did realize is that if I would keep up what I was doing for the past two days, I was most likely go back home before Ali's funeral because I was bored. But the only way to get un-bored was to make friends, or in my case, re-make friends.

After meeting Hanna at the restaurant and the awkward conversation with Aria (and seeing how she acted at the bar, which I was sure would made me puke every time I looked at her), I decided to go to Emily's. She was the most welcoming, and I kind of still blamed Spencer from what happened to Ali. I knew the way to Emily's house by heart, and since it was close to my hotel, I decided a little walk wouldn't hurt. I looked through the glass of the outlet shops outlining the street my hotel was at, until I got to the police station. I didn't stop because it was the police station; I had only been inside a few times when they investigated on Ali's disappearance, but I stopped because of who I saw inside. It was an accident, I didn't mean to spy on what was going on inside but I was looking in that direction and how could I not notice her wavy, thick blond hair? "Hanna Marin" I muttered to myself. I stood there, mesmerized by the sight before my eyes before I realized what I was doing could be illegal. Hanna was there with Ms. Marin, who was talking to a police officer; not just talking, flirting. She was trying to flirt her way out of something Hanna had done. It was obvious by Hanna's stressed and nervous look and the way Ms. Marin was talking and smiling and giggling. I kept walking, my eyes glued to Hanna. I was just turning the corner when Hanna looked up- straight at me. I broke into a sprint, hoping she didn't see it was me. It seemed wrong to be spying on her, and I didn't want to make a bad impression.

On the way there was also another thing I wanted to avoid seeing; Ali's house. There were boxes piled outside, and a girl standing next to them, talking to someone with her back to me. The girl had brown hair and even browner eyes, a dark skin color and curly, frizzy hair. She was smiling and talking fast, and I couldn't pick up anything from what she said. the other girl she was talking to had redish-brown hair and an athlete's figure. "No, really, it's okay" the athletic girl said. Her voice triggered something in my mind- it was Emily! But what was she doing here? The girl talking to Emily stuck out her hand and said something I couldn't hear. Emily shook her hand, and if she said something I couldn't know, I was too far away to hear. I crept closer, hiding behind Emily's Volvo. "Is she a friend of yours?" The girl said. I figured they were talking about Alison, but I couldn't understand why she would say is. Didn't she know Ali was dead? Didn't she know that in the backyard of the house she was standing in once was Ali's burried body? "Um, she was. A long time ago. Along with a bunch of other girls who lived around here" Hanna, Spencer, Aria and Crystal, I added in my mind. Emily must've also noticed the girl said is instead of was; she emphasized the word was. "In seventh grade. I'm in eleventh now at Rosewood Day." Emily continued after a short pause. "I'm going to Rosewood too!" The girl grinned. They kept talking and I tuned out, thinking about how to Emily I was just one of a bunch of girls who were three years ago friends with her. I tuned back into their conversation to find them on their way into Ali's house with a few Crate and Barrel boxes. Suddenly everything fit; well, not everything, but this new girl was moving into Ali's old house, and Emily's mom was practically the welcoming committee of Rosewood, so she came to greet this girl. What didn't fit in was why she didn't know about Ali's death, and why in the world would Emily go into Ali's house? Out of curiosity though mostly out of boredom, I followed them through the open door, and quietly slipped into the house.

I know a lot of things don't make sense because of the timing, but it's hard since the timing in the book+TV series isn't accurate either. Also, Crystal leaves her house AFTER the school day is over. And I know the Emily part was supposed to happen BEFORE school started, but I'm changing everything to fit in with the plot so just imagine everything is possible :P gooday goobye :)

P.S. the pic is the actor I would choose for Crystal, her name is Jessica Stroup and she is Erin Silver in 90210 :D

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