Chapter Seven

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I woke up with a bad headache. Jason's side of the bed was messy but empty. I quickly made the bed, then realized what I was wearing. Had I worn the same clothes the whole while I was at the hospital? No, I had been changed into a hospital gown. I frowned, trying not to think about who changed me. I hoped it wasn't Jason. "I bought you a black dress" A voice came from behind me. I immediately recognized it as Jason's. "You didn't have to" I didn't want to make it that obvious that I was pretty much poor. I spun around, gasping as I saw what he was holding up. In one hand he had a beautiful plain black gown, and in his other he held a belt that was made of black silky lace. "You seriously didn't have to" I repeated, my voice a whisper from the pleasant surprise. "Respect for my sister" He explained, the wide smile he had disappearing swiftly. "I'm sorry" My voice was still a whisper. "Here, try it on" He tossed the dress to me, then left the room with the belt. I tried it on, and it fit perfectly. It was tight around my body, and a little too short for my liking, but I couldn't blame Jason. "What about the belt?" I yelled, posing at myself in the mirror. "Coming!" He answered, entering the room. I wondered if he spied on me while I changed, and blushed at the thought. Instead of handing it to me, he wrapped it around my waist slowly, taking his time. His hands on my skin were warm, even through the thin dress. My heartbeat picked up when he kissed my neck. "I'm leaving tomorrow..." I hopped my disappointment showed. His definitely did. "I wish you would stay..." He whispered, his breath tickling my neck. "Tomorrow. Today is Ali's" I stepped away from him. He nodded, walking around me to face me. "Let's go" His voice was shaking, fear radiating off him. A weird emotion if you were thinking about your dead sister, but I wasn't there to judge. 

The first person I saw walking in was Emily. "Gotta go" I forced a quick smile that disappeared as quickly as it came. "Hey" I greeted her. "Crys? What are you doing here?" Emily smiled widely despite the sad reason we were meeting each other. "Ali's funeral" I answered, gesturing at the church, "Anyways, I heard someone was moving into her house, isn't that sad?" I was trying to force her to tell information about the girl Emily smoked weed with. She hesitated before answering, "Yeah... But Maya's really nice" Like that would change the fact that 'Maya' moved into Ali's house, Ali who's funeral I was currently attending. "So you know her?" She was making this much easier. "No, not really, I mean I've seen her around, and we've talked occasionally, but nothing serious" She stuttered. Yeah, right. "You know, they found weed in Ali's house, I heard about it somewhere. Can you believe that? Weed!" Her face got about 100 shades paler than it already was. "Weed?" She choked out the word. "Gotta go" I said, spotting Jason. "Hi" I said, my voice barely a whisper, remembering the reason I was here. "What'd you say to Emily?" He asked, surprising me by knowing her name. "Just hi, y'know. I'll be with you here, but please tell me if you see Spence or Ari or Hanna?" I said, more as a question than a request. He nodded, though hesitantly. The edges of his eyes were wet, and so were mine. I didn't want to cry, not here, not with him. "I need to go" He said, his voice hoarse. I smiled at him sadly, turning around looking for my ex-best friends. Spencer was with her sister and parents walking up to the church. Walking quickly, I got to her seconds before she would've disappeared through the church's door, something I didn't think I would be able to do. "Spence" I said nonchalantly. She looked around as if looking for something then her gaze turned to me. "Crys" She said, quite coldly. "Can I have a moment?" I asked, gesturing at an empty grassy part further away from the church. Her parents nodded, agreeing, and Spence followed me to where I pointed at. "You're in Rosewood" She stated, as if that wasn't obvious already. "Yeah, I'm in Rosewood," I resisted rolling my eyes, "How's school?" "Nothing's changed, with Ali or without her. We never really needed her." My question was answered. That was exactly the kind of thing Ali would've said. I didn't want to think of it now, out of respect for her, but I'd want to meet up with Spence, Ari, Hanna and Emily later to talk about... No, I scolded myself. Funeral. Ali. Respect. My thoughts needed to stop wandering. 

The funeral went on, and I was by Jason's side the whole time. Not only because I didn't want to face my ex-friends, but also because he actually needed me there. I thought he would burst out crying his heart out any minute, but he surprised me.

 Since Spence, Ari, Hanna and Emily were siting together, I decided to confront them all at once- to tell them to meet up later. I had nothing to do until 20:00 (8:00PM), when we said we would be at the entrance to the woods, so I decided to spend the free time with Jason. I wasn't surprised when he didn't even confront his family, he didn't seem the kind of guy to be on his parents' good side.

He drove us to his house, and there was no conversation until we got there. "Tough" He said. I jerked my head up to face him, I hadn't heard his voice in what seemed like forever even though it was just a few hours. "Yeah" I melted in his gaze, but didn't feel anything more than friendship and a guy with gorgeous eyes. He leaned closer to me, his intentions clear. I let him kiss me, not pulling away the whole time, blocking out memories of Alison. I knew then; I felt nothing. I looked down guiltily, not wanting to spend another minute with Jason. "I'll catch a cab I-" "Gotta go?" He finished, looking at me confused, as if trying to figure something out. "I'm sorry. This isn't going to work. Maybe I liked you before, I don't even know if that's true, but now I feel like we should be friends" I stepped away, biting my lip not flirtatiously but nervously at his reaction. The pain was clear in his eyes, and I was sure it was much greater in his chest. "Thanks for the chance" He turned around, disappearing into the house. Tears threatened to poor down my cheeks, how they always did when I hurt someone that actually cared. I ran to the nearest bus station, my untied belt in my hand and purse in my other, biting back tears. Where would I go know? The hotel! My parents booked me a room until tomorrow, and if I could find it... I searched through my bag, finally finding the square blue card.

I settled my stuff, that was basically nothing, in my room, took a shower and tried to wash away all signs of my tears that blended with the water in the shower. I used my laptop until I had to leave, then took a cab to the woods. It was eerily dark, but I didn't mind and my eyes adjusted in a few moments. I knew I was early, but I had planned it that way; I could speak to the first girl that came privately. Either they knew my plan and thought two steps ahead of me, or they bonded and became best friends again because they cam together. They were talking in hushed whispers, I caught nothing of what they said. They stopped when they saw me. "Crys" Hanna said, taking the lead. "Hanna, Spence, Ari, Emily" I glanced at each one while saying her name. I felt out numbered. Aria's phone beeped, and I swear she jumped at least a mile high. "Whoa, it's just an S.M.S" I laughed, not getting her scared reaction. "So you haven't been getting them?" Spencer demanded. "What?" I asked, my eye twitching like it did when I was completely lost. What wasn't I getting? "Texts, from A" Emily said quietly. "Anonymous?" I blurted out, the first thing that came to mind. "Then they would've signed off as anon though" Spence pointed out. "What texts are we talking about?" I asked, confused. They exchanged nervous glances, then took out their phones. "We've been getting texts..." Ari's voice was shaky. "Threats. This A person knows where we are every minute of every day" Hanna explained, finishing Ari's sentence. "Wow, that sounds like something Ali would do" I blurted out again. They all turned to stare at me in shock, making me shrug. "But they found her body" Spence said. "Just saying..." I mumbled. "I need to go" Ari said. Wow, that was fast. "Bye..." I addressed all of them, and they were just separating when all four of their phone's beeped. "I'm still here, bitches. And I know everything. -A" They read aloud in unison, turning around to face me, each shoving their phones in my face. Suddenly, surprising us all, my phone beeped as well. Slowly I pulled it out of my jean's back pocket, gasping at what I saw. "Yes, Crys. Everything. -A"

~A/N unless I suddenly get tons of likes&votes, I'm putting this story on hold. I'll continue when I have: 10 fans, 10 comments, and 10 votes :) sorry, I'm also starting 3 new stories, so if you like this you'll definitly like one of them :D thanks for 400 reads! Love u all, enjoy :D~


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