Chapter Three

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After the sickening sight at the bar, I had gone home just to find my whole room was flooded! I got a new room, and the hotel gave me back my money only for that night. I left the telling-Mom part to the day after, and flopped exhausted onto my bed and fell asleep.

I woke up to the same scent that was last night, rotten eggs and something else I couldn't quite put my finger on. I would have to buy myself new clothes since they were all soaked, smelly, and tinted yellow from the not-so-clean water, and I didn't have enough money with me, nor did I have enough money to buy them at all. So first thing in the morning, I went on a hunt for a job. Since it was Monday, most of the  people my age were at school, so that meant I didn't have to worry about meeting anyone I knew. My first try was at a decent cafe, a walking distance from my hotel. They needed long term workers, so a worker who would be there for a week was useless. I kept trying all around Rosewood, until I walked past Snookers; I had parked my car a little farther than I anticipated from the clothing outlet I wanted to try next. "Kiddo, what you doing out of school right now?" A voice came from the parking lot. I turned to see a guy, about 25, smoking outside of Snookers. I didn't know the bar was open at these hours. "I'm not from here" I answered confidently. I knew this guy from somewhere... Of course! "Jake?!" I asked, surprised. "Kiddo Crys! How's your pop?" He liked to call Dad pop around me for some strange reason. He and Dad were best friends in college, and were still good friends when we moved away from Rosewood. "Dad is good." I answered. "Good, good. What brings you to Rosewood, kiddo?" I swallowed, sure that even from the distance between us he could hear the sound. "Just... You know, reuniting. Actually... I was looking for a job, but I'm only here a week..." Jake was the kind of guy that knew everyone and was friends with everyone. He could probably get me a job even if I was only in Rosewood an hour. "A job? I don't now, kiddo. I'll make you a deal. You stay here a week and a half and you can work at good ol' Snookers. How's that?" I smiled nervously. A half week more than I had planned- how could I get away with that? Still, Snookers gained good money, so I wouldn't have to tell Mom about my clothes... "I'll take it" I answered after a long silence. "Hey, you can also reunite with your kiddos, kiddo! They come here a lot" By 'kiddos' he meant friends. I hadn't thought of that, but it was worth the job. Maybe I could even really reunite with a few friends.

That evening I was proved very wrong. Noel, Aria's ex-crush (judging on what I had seen last night), came with a few friends. He recognized me- of course he did. From Ali's group of friends, I was the 'musician'. I wouldn't call myself that since I only played electric guitar, but I enjoyed it a lot- and music was practically my life back when I lived in Rosewood. That part of me never changed. I was also part of a band, which made me popular even before I met Ali... And Noel, being the most popular guy in school, had to date the most popular girl in school. Before Ali came, that was me. But, like Aria, Spencer, Hanna and Emily, I got sucked into Ali's life, and lived under her rules. Ali was the only one that knew about Noel and me, and I wanted to keep it that way, and so did he.

"Hi there" One of Noel's friends started talking to me. I didn't remember his name, so I figured he joined after I left Rosewood. "Hi, how's your drink?" As part of the job, I had to be nice and answer costumers politely. "Very good, very good... Want a sip?" The guy only had two drinks from what I remembered, and was already drunk. Just then Noel noticed me. "Oh, Riley, let go. She's not your type" I turned to face him. He was behind me, I had no idea how he got behind the bar itself. He put his hand on my shoulder, electricity buzzing through the touch. "I don't have a type. Even if I did have one, I'm pretty sure she'd be in it" He winked at me. So, not completely drunk after all. "Dude, back off. She's not interested." His voice was calm but his hand tightened around my shoulder. Why was he protecting me like this? What we had was in sixth grade, four years had passed. But I still couldn't deny my rapidly increasing heartbeat. "How do you know? Crys," He said, enunciating my nickname slowly, "Are you interested in me?" He smiled crookedly at Noel, waiting for my response. "I don't feel very comfortable..." I was lying. I felt very comfortable with Noel's hand on my shoulder, his protective voice inches away from my ear. Suddenly, Riley reached out with his long arm and grabbed me by the waist, breaking Noel's firm hold on my shoulder. "I can make you feel comfortable..." He smiled at me. I realized Noel was the only thing that was keeping me from slapping Riley, and also ending my job. "Um, Noel..." I barely whispered. What happened next was a blur, but I also remember it very clearly. Noel wrapped his arms around me and kissed me. And it wasn't just a peck; it lasted for a while, and after it I was out of breathe. "Bro, you totally stole her from Riley!" Someone's voice echoed in my head, and was immediately joined with other voices of agreement. But I didn't care; he kissed me. Which meant he liked me... And I liked him. I felt lightheaded, so I headed to the restrooms. I came out when I thought they all left, but Riley was still there. "What do you want?" I snarled at him. "The guy totally likes you, bitch!" He said and left, laughing the whole way to his car. To any other guy I would've suggested not to drive when you were in his state. But with Riley, I didn't care. Though I did owe him a thank you for the kiss.

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