Chapter Six

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The moment our lips touched, everything else in the world didn't seem important. Except for the memories.

It was the first day of seventh grade, and I was a nervous wreck after my break-up with Noel. My trembling hand reached for the door to the school, but instead a tan hand with perfectly painted nails opened it, pushing me aside. "Hey, what the Hell?!" I yelled at the girl, a tall, blond, blue eyed girl who was new to Rosewood Day. She laughed and rolled her eyes. "Fine, you can go into school before me!" Her voice was bossy, and I didn't like it. I forgot all about Noel and how nervous I was two seconds ago. I stalked off into school, making sure to look lady-like while doing it. "Bitch" The girl murmured under her breath, but loud enough for me to hear. "Excuse me? And who might you be?" I smiled at her threateningly. "Alison, Alison DiLaurentis." She answered. What a stuck-up bitch, I thought. "Well then, A-l-i-s-o-n, why don't you go back to your old school, where you can be a bitch there to whoever you want" I said, slowly enunciating her name. "I don't think so. I'm going to tell you how it's going to work- you can be whoever you want to be, but I'm Miss Popular, if that wasn't obvious yet" She sneered at me. "We'll see about that" I said, making me way through the crowd of people that had gathered around us.

That attitude didn't last much longer. She was right. She was Miss Popular, and soon I came to her asking to re-think our situation, that we could become great friends. Being her friend my reputation went back up, but all too soon I was sucked in by Ali's personality. I became her slave, without even noticing.

"Crystal, Crystal are you okay?" I heard. Everything was fuzzy, and weird shapes were taking forms than getting out of focus again. "Let me sleep.." I laughed quietly, rolling onto my side and putting my hands together under my head like a pillow. "Doctor, she's going out again" The voice was further away now. I felt someone's soft touch on my cheek and smiled, then fell asleep.

"Doctor, she's not waking up!" I could see clearer this time, but not completely. "Whoa..." I said, my whole world was spinning. The back of my head hurt and I couldn't feel my arms and legs. "Crystal! It's Jason" A figure loomed over me, putting it's hand firmly on my shoulder. I giggled, biting my lip. "Jason who?" I asked. "Jason DiLaurentis" A different voice answered. "I don't know any... DiLaurentis?!" I pulled my shoulder away, feeling coming back to my arms and legs. "Yeah, yeah. Ali's brother" Jason's voice was worried. "Why are you here?" I whispered, "Why am I here?" "We were... Um, doctor?" Jason backed away, and my fists, that were clenched tight without me even noticing, flexed out. "You kissed him, and then fell back and passed out. It appears you have no memory of this event?" The doctor asked. "No, none at all. In fact, I never even saw Jason DiLaurentis in my life" I answered confidently, to me that was the truth. "A concussion. We should call her parents" The doctor was now talking to Jason."No!" I yelled, sitting up suddenly. My back ached so badly I had to lie back down. "Well, dear, you're going to be here for a while" The doctor said, smiling at me as if he had no cares in the world. "You can't tell them! They'll find out about my clothes, and my job, and me not telling them and I can't! Please don't!" I said desperately. He shook his head, "Your a minor, we're going to have to" He answered, still smiling that stupid smile. I looked at Jason- I could've sworn I had never even seen that guy before! But if we kissed, it meant he liked me. And if he liked me, he would help me, right? "Could we have a moment alone?" I asked the doctor, gesturing with my hand to Jason, whose cheeks reddened a bit. "Sure, of course" He left us. "Jason..." I said, sitting up. He got up from where he sat down on a chair across from my bed. "I don't know what we had. But I don't remember any of it. I'm sorry, but if I fell for you once I'm sure it can happen again." He smiled at the last part, already standing in front of where I was sitting on the edge of my bed. "So..." His smile disappeared. "So, I need to get out of here. I feel fine, really, I just want to get out of here. I can't tell my parents." I finished, and the light blue hospital gown I had on got that much more interesting. "And you want me to help you. You know you've been here for two days, right? Tomorrow's the funeral..." He quickly wiped a tear at the mention of his sister's name. "What?! But- my job! This isn't good, no no no!" I stood up and paced around the room, concentrating on finding a solution to my job problem instead of on the pain coursing through my whole body. I couldn't tell Mom about the flood, she'd never trust me again because I hadn't told her sooner. I lost my job at Snookers, and I actually wanted to stay in Rosewood. I wanted to find out more about the four girls that were once my closest friends, and that are now just distant memories. "Your mom called your cell a few times, I didn't answer" he said. "I need some sleep. I think I'll just stay here, they'd let me out for the funeral." I made up my mind- my problems could wait for later. "Actually, you can be released today. That is, if you feel alright." The doctor stood in the doorway, looking back and forth from me to Jason. "I'll take her to my house. I'll look after her" Jason suggested hopefully. I could understand why I had liked him... If I really did. "I trust him" I added without putting much thought behind my words. "Okay then. I hope never to see you two again, eh?" The doctor winked at us.

He brought me to his house, where he put me on his bed, "It's the only bed in the house" was his excuse. I didn't mind snuggling up to him, I needed to feel safe and warm. I fell asleep about an hour after we reached his house, and we didn't talk until the next morning. The day of Ali's funeral.

~GUESS WHAT?! Once I get 100 reads, I'll post a bonus chapter- either The Jenna Thing or the night of Alison's death, comment which one you'd rather me write :) feel welcome to comment, fan, or vote, it really makes my day! If you do, I might dedicate the next chapter to you! 4 votes for the next chapter :)~

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