dating alexander includes..

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-hanging out after school.

-doing homework together.

-making up jokes with each other.

-binge watching shows with each other.

-if he watches even just one second of an episode without you, you'll literally cry for a whole week just to make him feel guilty.

-secretly loves it when you force him to watch a movie he doesn't wanna watch.

-his mom likes you a lot, she thinks you're a good influence for her son.

-and your parents LOVE HIM ! they think he's a really lovable and charming kid.

-bedders sometime calling you "mum and dad" just to annoy you both.

-he purposely gives you his sweaters and shirts because he loves how they look on you.

-falling asleep on the couch.

-your favorite snacks are sour gummy worms and m&m's.

-listening to a bunch of indie music together.

-always staring at his eyes because you absolutely love their color.

-him always caressing your face while you trace the freckles on his face.

-he loves showering your face with kisses !!

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