dating angus includes..

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-you grew up watching some of his mum's movies, so when you met her you were fangirling inside.

-you and his mum liking each other very much.

-angus adoring the fact that the two women in his life that he loves more than anything get super along.

-driving around london when you've got nothing better to do.

-brainstorming baby names just for fun.

-watching morning cartoons with him when you wake up early.

-you guys shagging about 4 times a month.


-but he's always making sure you don't get hurt during it.

-loves taking you to fancy restaurants.

-when you're working, he always brings you food and picks you up from work.

-being like jake and amy from brooklyn nine-nine.

-treating you like a queen 24/7.

-he loves kissing your jawline and lips.

-you guys never really fight tbh.

-you're always showering him with kisses and hugs.

-giving him the silent treatment when you want attention.

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