you catch them crying (characters)

457 38 45

a/n: it's really been a long time huh? well, fear not, i am back! i kinda lost interesting but now somehow the interest is back and better! by the way, i have a birds of prey preference and imagine book incase you wanna check that out ! 


-during the mission, alex had left and you were waiting for him to return from wherever he was.

-when you saw him, poor boi was crying and holding his book.

-you both sat in silence for a minute before he wrapped his arms around you and sobbed into your shoulder. 

-you just heard him talk about how he found out his dad wasn't the person he expected he was. 

-you gave him a pep talk and after that he cheered up and you all made your way to whoop morgana's ass. 


-we all know this boy can be sensitive. 

-this was before the events of the movie but to make a long story short, alex ran over to you saying that lance hurt bedders. 

-you immediately ran to console bedders and found him with his knee scraped. 

-you helped him hide his tears before taking him to the nurse's office. 

-then after that bedders watched you beat the shit out of lance. 


-i feel like this boy probably has parents issues. is that just me? 

-you were in your bedroom one night just chilling then he came in and cried to you about how his parents made him feel like shit. 

-you were like "are you crying?" and this bitch really just wiped his eyes quickly and said no. 

-but we all know he was. 

-you made him some tea or hot chocolate i don't know, and then he cuddled up to you. 

-when you were being a little shit and teasing him you were like, "i've seen you cry." and immediately he'd deny it. 


-you were hanging out with her and you were both holding hands. 

-then the stereotypical douchebags were harassing you to kiss or some shit. 

-you turned to see kaye crying and had enough. so you grabbed your baseball bat and went to yell at them. 

-they stopped because they saw you were not fucking around. 

-then kaye was like, "i'm so proud of you." 


-this bitch cried during a movie. 

-like don't worry it happens to everyone! but this was during a disney movie.. 

-you guys were watching toy story and this boy deadass started crying when buzz fell off the window. 

-like, who cried during that part? name me ONE person who cried because of that. 

-so while he cried you were patting his shoulder and you were just like "what the fu-"

a/n: 30 votes and i might consider writing a smut. 

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