is that alright? - angus imrie

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summary: the reader and angus have been broken up for about 8 months, after their breakup, she finds out she's pregnant with his kid. one day, she's out in london taking a walk to look for some clothes for her babies when she encounters angus.

a/n:  part 2 of 'expectations' okay okay, before you say shit, angus is 24 so it's not weird, if it was louis, dean, or anyone else, yes that would be. also this episode is inspired by the white christmas in black mirror.


i was awoken by nothing. i had been given a day off at work so i slept as late as i wanted, and woke up as late as i wanted.

i smiled as i looked at my pregnant belly forming, "hey kiddo. we've got a pretty exciting day ahead of us." i softly said.

i took a nice shower, i looked outside and put my hand out the window. the weather seemed perfect, a little cold though. i decided to wear a long sleeved shirt with stripes, and a somewhat oversized blue shirt, along with some jeans and ankle boots.

i grabbed my purse and left. as i was walking into town, i decided to stop by the coffee shop for a hot chocolate. i finished ordering my drink and got it.

as i was walking out, i heard a voice call out for my name, "kara? kara (y/l/n)?" i turned around and saw angus. who immediately saw the pregnant tummy, "oh, hey angus." i nervously smiled.

"you- you're pregnant?" he shockingly asked. "uhh.. yeah, 8 months pregnant." i gave him an awkward small smile as i placed a hand in front of it.

"is it mine?" he finally choked out. i nodded, "yeah. it is." i said as i looked down. he smiled, "is it possible we can have a talk over this? i mean, i would love to be part of the kid's life." he smiled with a gleam of hope in his eyes.

"of course. just tell me when!" i said as my smile no longer turned awkward. "are you free tonight?" he asked, i nodded. "alright, i'll
see you at 7 tonight at the ledbury then." he smiles. the ledbury, the place where we had our first date in. "alright, sounds good." i said. he kissed my cheek before leaving.

what was i thinking? 8 months ago he couldn't keep a promise, how was i gonna be sure he was gonna turn up this time? the rest of the day, thoughts raced in my head as i continued shopping for baby clothes, etc.

that night, i went home and put on a long flower dress with a jean jacket, along with the same ankle boots and a smaller purse this time. i slung it over my shoulder and took a cab over there.

when i walked inside, i saw angus already waiting for me. "hey, wow! you look stunning!" he smiled. i chuckled, "when have i not?".

we walked to our table and he pulled the chair for me, i sat down and then he sat down. before we started talking, we ordered our food and drinks.

"listen. i wann start off by saying i'm sorry. i was a terrible boyfriend and an arsehole, these
8 months i've felt so guilty about it. did you get all of my flowers and texts?" he asked. i nodded, "yeah, i just needed some space."

"i understand that. but now, this kid comes into our lives, and i want to be part of his life? i-is it a boy or a girl?" he asked. i smiled now, "it's a boy. his name's- well i'm deciding between oliver or miles."

"lovely names. i want to spend the rest of my life with you kara. i wanna come home to a family dinners, and teach the kids how to say 'thank you' and 'please'." he said, i could tell his voice was breaking a little.

"i'd love that to. but how will i know you won't break more promises?" i asked grabbing the napkin to remove a tear coming out of my eye. "give me another chance, i'll prove you." he said.

i smiled, "well then. i guess we're back together now."

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