New Bond

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Suzuki's P.O.V
With a yawn I slowly blinked my eyes as I shook my head and tails.  Looking around to see Kakashi was still asleep and that it was still slightly dark out. Yawning again I got up moving to on too of Kakashi's back before curling back up and falling asleep again.

Kakashi's P.O.V
Sighing as I groggily woke up I frown at the slight weight on my back. Glancing over my shoulder I see it's just Suzuki asleep. Dropping my head back onto the pillow I yawn as I just lay there tiredly.

Closing my eyes I just lay there resting as I wait for Suzuki to wake up. I soon slightly more my arm under my head as I turn my head to face the other side. This might take a little, and I still have to talk with the Hokage about taking a break from ANBU work and just be a Jounin again.

I'm then brought out of my thoughts as Suzuki yawns stretching out on my back before shaking and getting up off my back. I sigh tiredly as I roll over to see her looking at me before going to the door.

"Kakashiiii!! I gotta gooooo!!" Suzuki paces by my door.

Chuckling I get out of bed and open my door, Suzuki rushing to the door as I follow her to let her out. As soon as I opened the door she was out and running into the trees. I leave the door open for her as I go into the kitchen to get a drink and maybe some food,  along with setting foot out for Suzuki.

Soon I head Suzuki and I was also surprised that she jumped up to close the door. She was a very smart animal to say the least and because of that I couldn't wait to start her training.

"Food, food, food, food!!" Suzuki chanted as she ran into the kitchen where I had placed her bowl on the floor.

She jumped around a little before stopping at her bowl and beginning to eat. When we finished with food I picked Suzuki up and she climbed her way up onto my shoulder.

"Alright we've got a lot to do today. Before we can start your training I have to speak with the Hokage." I say as I pull on my ninja shoes before leaving the house.

"Hmm, okay. Though I hope that there aren't a bunch of people there." Suzuki mumbles.

Though I'm sure to the people that we passed only heard little yips. This brought attention to Suzuki causing her to curl up closer to me on my shoulders. I hummed as we got closer and closer to the Hokage building.

Reaching the Hokage office I knock on the door before being told to enter.

"Ah, Kakashi, what brings you here?" the Third asks.

"I was wanting to talk about my rank and position."

The Third raised an eyebrow as he folded his hands resting his chin on them as he seemed amused.

"If it is possible, I'd like to step down from ANBU and focus on Jounin work. This would also give me some more time to train Suzuki as well." I continued explaining.

The Third closed his eyes as he hummed. "If you believe it is best I see no issue with it. Though I will be adding you to the list of Jounin for Genin teams." the Third smirked at me.

I sighed as I ran my hand through my hair. "I figured that would happen. Thank you, Lord Hokage."

As I bowed slightly Suzuki shifted on my shoulders drawing the Hokage attention to her.

"Ah, and how is Suzuki fairing so far?"

"Pretty well, she's very smart for how young she seems to be." I scratch Suzuki behind the ears causing her to purr.

Lord Third raised an eyebrow with a smirk. "For a fox like creature she acts a lot like a cat." he points out.

I nod as Suzuki shakes out her fur again before seeming to slightly relax a little. She's always tense around people besides me so it's nice to see her slightly letting her hairs down a little more.

"Lord Hokage, if it is alright, I need to turn in my ANBU uniform, would it be alright if I left Suzuki in your care until I return?" I ask.

Suzuki instantly tensed up on my shoulder a slight whimper leaving her as she curled up closer to me.

"I do not mind, though she seems to." Lord Third pointed out.

I carefully remove Suzuki from my shoulders before setting her down. "Now Suzuki, you'll be alright. Lord Third won't hurt you and will take care of you. I won't be gone for to long, then we can start your training, alright?"

Suzuki seemed to pout before she nodded. I patted the top of her head before standing up, bowing to the Hokage I made my leave.

Suzuki's P.O.V
I shyly sat on the floor where Kakashi left me. The Hokage sat looking at me and I felt a little uncomfortable. The old man then chuckled before going through his desk pulling out a box. When he opened it I smelt something familiar from when I first met Kakashi.

I carefully watched as the Hokage pulled out the same exact thing Kakashi gave me on my first meeting with him. My eyes slightly widened as I looked at the food in his hand and to his face.

The Hokage chuckled as he held out the food. Looking back at the food I lay on the floor as I slowly crawl towards his desk where he has the food held out to me. I stop and look up at the Hokage as I begin to move a little closer stopping as I'm close to the food before sniffing it and taking a small bite.

My eyes slightly widened as I realize it tastes the same as what Kakashi gave me. Taking another bite I keep a close eye on the Hokage as he sets the rest down for me before going back to work on the papers on his desk.

When I finish the food, I carefully watch him as I slowly inch closer and closer to him. When I'm right next to him I place one paw in his leg as I slowly crawl into his lap. The Hokage didn't even look at me but he smiled slightly while working. I sat up a little and looked at the papers on his desk, there was a lot and it all seemed confusing to me.

I watched as he would dip a pen into some little container before writing on the paper. He did this a little before sighing and looking down at me.

"Are you comfortable?" he asked.

I nodded, knowing he won't understand me like Kakashi does.

"That's good. So you know my name is Sarutobi Hurizen." he smiles slightly.

I blink as I watch him. He didn't seem to want to hurt me and he hasn't done anything this entire time I've been with him, so I guess I could trust him. I nod again as I look at the desk again and sneeze.

Sarutobi laughed before carefully raising a hand to my head. I watched his hand carefully as he began petting me, and I soon began to purr before resting further on his lap. Sighing I closed my eyes as I relaxed more around the Hokage, he is now the second person I've now began to be okay with. Though,  Kakashi would be the only one I'd be fully comfortable around at the moment, I could see that slowly I was opening up and over time who knows what would happen.

As time went by I could vaguely smell Kakashi's scent getting closer and my ears perked up. I could tell the Hokage looked down at me as my tails began to sway, my ears moving. A knock sounded and the Hokage let them in.

"I see Suzuki has finally got comfortable around you." Kakashi's voice sounded amused.

My head instantly shot up and I looked over at Kakashi. I hopped off the Hokage's lap and raced over to Kakashi before jumping up into his arms. The two laughed as I rubbed my head into Kakashi's neck.

"Thank you for watching over her for me, Lord Hokage." Kakashi bowed slightly.

The Hokage waved him off while chuckling, before dismissing Kakashi.

"Whelp, it's time for training!" Kakashi sounded excited.

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