Demon Brothers

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A/N: Another short chapter, but slow progress is getting done!!

After the meeting with the Hokage and the recent assignment of Team 7's first C ranked mission, the team slowly made their way to the gates of the village. Tazuna was drinking a bottle of sake in his hands. Sasuke was standing with his arms crossed leaving against the gate. Sakura was fawning over Sasuke, and Naruto was jumping around all excited to leave the village. Soon Kakashi appeared with Suzuki on his shoulder catching Tazuna's attention.

"What is that thing?" Tazuna pointed to Suzuki.

'HEY, THATS RUDE! I'M A VULPIX AND I HAVE A NAME!' Suzuki growled at Tazuna making him raise a brow.

Kakashi smiled amused under his mask at what Suzuki yelled at Tazuna, though no one else was able to understand her. Tazuna looked at Kakashi with question as he seemed to be amused at Suzuki's growling.

"She says she is a Vulpix, and that she has a name. Her name is Suzuki." Kakashi patted Suzuki on the head.

"And you can understand her?" Tazuna took a swig of sake from the bottle.

"Well yes. She is one of my companions and ninken." Kakashi said scratching behind Suzuki's ears.

During this Naruto was jumping around with excitement. This gonna be his first time out of the village couldn't wait to leave for the mission. Sakura was yelling at Naruto to shut up while Sasuke sighed annoyed with all the yelling. Tazuna raised a brow at the shouting blond.

"Do you really expect me to believe you're a ninja kid?" Tazuna took another swig of sake.

"Believe it! Some day I'm gonna be the Hokage and you'll have to respect me!" Naruto yelled at Tazuna.

"Tch. I'll believe it when pigs fly." Tazuna drank more of his sake.

"No need to worry Tazuna. I'm a Jounin and I'll be going with you." Kakashi assured Tazuna with a closed eye smile.

Soon after that, they began their mission to bring Tazuna back home. During their journey, Sakura asked if the Land of Waves had any ninja of their own. This eventually led to a long discussion about how the Land of Waves got to his it is and how the ninja system worked. This led to the importance of the Hokage and other Kage in the villages. Kakashi then briefly stopped with a raised brow.

"You all just doubted the Hokage, didn't you?"

The three all tensed and stuttered about, saying that they didn't. Though it was pretty obvious that they did. Suzuki snicker while shaking her head at the three. Continuing their long trip, Suzuki noticed a puddle of water and nudged Kakashi's face making it seem like she just wanted attention.

'Kashi-san...' Suzuki whispered.

He nodded acknowledging Suzuki's concerns. Passing the puddle Kakashi quickly made a substitution jutsu for the two as the chains wrapped around them. As the Demon Brothers pulled on the chains shredding the substitutions they then raced towards the others. Sakura was shaking standing in front Tazuna, Sasuke quickly grabbed a kunai from his pouch, and Naruto was completely frozen. Sasuke pinned the brothers chains to a tree before using their arms for supper to kick them both in the face. Naruto sadly under up getting cut by one the chains as the brothers charged at Tazuna again. Kakashi soon took out the brothers knocking them out.

"Sorry about that. Sasuke and Sakura good work. Naruto I'm sorry I wasn't quick enough to help you, I didn't expect you to freeze like that."

Kakashi sat the brothers down turning to Tazuna.

"We need to have a talk, Tazuna."

Sasuke began making fun of Naruto calling him a scary cat. Naruto getting worked up began moving around a lot. Kakashi then informed Naruto to stop running around as the brothers claws have poison on them. This only managed to freak Naruto out more. Sakura began explaining that they should go back to the village and get Naruto some help. Naruto yelled in frustration before he stabbed a kunai into his hand to remove the poison. Vouching that he would no longer freeze up and protect Tazuna.

Kakashi then mentioned how it was great and all, but that Naruto better stop the bleeding or he'll die. Naruto began running around screaming about not wanting to die. Kakashi then tied up the brothers before checking on Naruto's hand. Suzuki perched on his shoulder watched amazed as his hand healed quickly.

"Uh... Sensei? Am I going to be okay?" Naruto asked nervously.

"Huh? Oh, yeah." Kakashi then began to wrap bandages around Naruto's hand.

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