Crumbling Bonds

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(A/N: So after I finish this chapter, I'm going to be going back through the rest of the story and fixing some mistakes that I've just been to lazy to actually fix.)

Kakashi was enjoying the peace of the hospital with Suzuki in her human form curled up by his side on his hospital bed beside him. It still miffed him that Suzuki could switch between the two forms whenever she wanted, but he found it nice. From what he hears Suzuki enjoyed eating all kinds of food in her human form, though she didn't normally nap in her human form as she was doing now. With a sigh of contentment, Kakashi slightly wrapped his arm around Suzuki.

Then the quiet of the hospital was rudely interrupted by none other then the yelling of Naruto. It appeared the two wear gonna battle it out on the roof of the building. Kakashi sighed heavily as he slowly sat up having woken up Suzuki as well, he put his mask on to go stop the boys. Suzuki was closely following behind Kakashi, never really far behind anymore. As the two walked up the stairs, You could hear Sasuke and Naruto yelling, then Sakura screamed for the two to stop while running in between the two and their oncoming attacks. 

Kakashi quickly jumped into the fray, grabbing both Sasuke and Naruto by the wrist before throwing (Yeeting those bitches!! *cough-cough* sorry...)  them away from each other and stopping them from inevitably killing Sakura. Kakashi had scolded them both though Sasuke didn't seem to really be listening to what Kakashi was saying. Suzuki stepped out from behind Kakashi with a worried look on her face. 

Sakura being the first to notice Suzuki couldn't help but ask. "Hey Sensei, who's that?"

This had gotten both Naruto and Sasuke's attention for the time being. Kakashi placed a hand on Suzuki's head, ruffling her hair a bit as he chuckled.

"This is Suzuki, the kit that is always around me."

Suzuki smiled and shyly waved at the three.  eyes widened with sparkles, her face turning red as she gushed over how cute Suzuki is. Naruto's eyes widened, jaw-dropped, and face blushing. Sasuke's eyes had very slightly widened, a small blush dusting his cheeks before he looked away. 

Kakashi couldn't help but laugh the his students reaction to Suzuki, especially when Naruto got over the initial shock and began shouting about how that the small child next to Kakashi couldn't possibly be the little fox Suzuki. Sakura no longer being able to contain her erg to squeeze the girl, ran at Suzuki. Suzuki's eyes widened as she watched Sakura approach, when she was close Suzuki reacted quickly, dropping and sweeping Sakura's legs out from under her. As Sakura Landed on her back on the ground, Suzuki had already jumped behind Kakashi, holding onto his pants leg while peeking out from the side to watch Sakura closely. 

Still laying on her back Sakura blinked up at the sky, Naruto was laughing in the background. Sasuke scoffed with a slight smirk before leaving, only stopping to look back at the damage Naruto's attack did to the water container on the hospital roof. When Kakashi Sakura left and Kakashi was getting ready to go talk with the Hokage, Suzuki pulled on his pant leg before pointing to herself then to Naruto. Kakashi nodded before leaving, Suzuki watching as Kakashi left before turning to Naruto. A grin now split across Suzuki's face before she launched herself at Naruto. To be honest, Suzuki liked Naruto, he was funny and kind, and not to mention Kuruma was her friend. 

A surprised Naruto was tackled to the ground by Suzuki as she now clung to him. Naruto not knowing what to do with the small girl decided to take her for the best ramen. Suzuki gladly just followed and enjoyed her time with the energetic blonde. 


After reporting to Tsunade, Kakashi followed Sasuke, wanting to talk with him more to try and prevent him from leaving. He got a feeling that because of Orochimaru and the conflict that had just occurred on the roof that Sasuke would leave. He was gonna try everything he could to keep from one of his students from leaving. 

As Sasuke landed on the branch of a tree, Kakashi used wire to tie Sasuke to the tree so he could just leave while he scolded him. To say the conversation didn't go to well was an understatement. Kakashi sighed deeply with guilt and regret, was there really nothing else he could do to prevent Sasuke from leaving the village at this rate? Did this make him a bad Sensei? Dark thoughts slowly began to swirl around Kakashi's mind just thinking about losing a student, a member of his team.


Suzuki did a small bow in thanks to Naruto for the food, before leaving to go back home to Kakashi's. Turning back into her Vulpix form she crawled through the dog door Kakashi had gotten some time before his hospital visit.

Picking up on the dark atmosphere in the house, Suzuki's ears went back as she walked in further to see Kakashi with his arm thrown over his face while laying on the couch. Slowly walking over to Kakashi, Suzuki hopped onto the couch and crawled onto Kakashi's chest. Shifting back into her human for as she cuddled against Kakashi in a attempt to cheer him up. And if that didn't work she'd go get his favorite food like she normally does... or maybe...

Suzuki looked up at Kakashi with a worried frown on her face. Licking her lips, Suzuki swallowed a nervous lump in her throat.

"...k-kashi-san?" Suzuki whispered shyly.

The sudden voice had Kakashi moving his arm to stare wide-eyed down at Suzuki. Kakashi wasn't sure if she had actually spoken out loud or not, having been used to just understanding her yips. Blinking, Kakashi watched as Suzuki licked her lips and she opened her mouth to speak.

"...are...y-you...okay?" Suzuki stuttered, her brows knitted in worry.

Kakashi's eyes widened further as he quickly sat up, wrapping his arms around Suzuki. Surprised by the sudden movement Suzuki make a high pitched squeaking noise. 

"You spoke?! You can talk?!" 

Suzuki puffed her cheeks in a pout as Kakashi hugged her, when he set her down he laughed at her pouting face before ruffling her hair making her frown deepen. Sighing with a smile, Kakashi couldn't help but feel better, Suzuki had no idea how helpful she was with always being able to cheer him up in the slightest ways.

(A/N: A little father daughter like bonding!! X3)

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