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After leaving the Hokage's office the two made their way to one of the training grounds. Kakashi really wanted to see what Suzuki could do if at all anything.

"Kakashi, if we are training I might as well tell you more about my kind." Suzuki said as she hopped out of his arms when they reached the training grounds.

Kakashi raised a brow waiting for Suzuki to continue.

"Vulpix are fire based animals,  and over time and experience we evolve."

This seemed to surprise Kakashi a bit.

"Evolve? What do you mean?"

"We change forms. As I am now I'll only grow to be around 2 feet tall. But when I evolve I will then become a Ninetails, my full size at 3 feet tall. Though the fire aspect doesn't change."

(I know that in the games and stuff that you have to give Vulpix a fire stone or ice stone in order for them to evolve but in this book I'm gonna change it a bit so things kinda work out within the Naruto-verse easier.)

This bit of information really surprised Kakashi. The thought of a Ninetails made him think of the Ninetails beast that was currently sealed away in Naruto. But how Suzuki was describing it she wouldn't be any taller than 3 feet tall. So they couldn't be the same.

"I'm sorry if you are upset that I didn't tell you sooner... But my next form is nothing like what you're thinking if that's what you are worrying about..."

Suzuki slightly lied on the ground seeming to be upset about what she just shared with Kakashi. Kakashi watched Suzuki before sighing. He sat down in front of Suzuki rubbing the back of his head.

"This is all new, we've never encountered your type of species before so learning this is a little confusing. Though it's important information to know."

Suzuki sat but as she watched Kakashi. Kakashi then sighed before looking at Suzuki.

"Well we should start your training. Now that I know that fire is your infinity it will make things easier as we work. Though I'll be testing your stamina and speed first before we move on to anything more advanced." Kakashi explained.

Suzuki jumped up and nodded.

"Alright, first we will see how long you can run, so I'm gonna have you run around this clearing until you can't anymore."

Suzuki seemed to deflate at the thought of running until she dropped. Though she wanted to improve her skills so she could stick with Kakashi everywhere.

"Uh, alright..."

Suzuki got ready to run as Kakashi sat and watched before giving her the okay to start running as he timed her.

As an hour went by Kakashi noticed that Suzuki was starting to show signs of exhaustion though she continued to run none stop anyway. Looking at the time then back at Suzuki, he was impressed to say that she lasted longer than he originally thought she would.

Pulling out his book, he kept alert of Suzuki's position as she ran while he read. As time flew by. Kakashi looked up over at Suzuki to see her tumble and he stopped the time to see it had been just a little over three hours.

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