Training (Part 1)

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(A/N: Alright so this chapter is gonna end up being a two patter and short like some previous chapters before. I said id get a chapter out by today and this is what I have so far. It would be longer but I really need to sleep now that I finally get a few days off work. Thank you, enjoy!)

Kakashi and Suzuki had been out for a little now, Kakashi from over using his Sharingan eye and Suzuki from the water dimming her fire. The others were waiting for the two to wake up and see what they do now. Kakashi being the first had slowly woke up to his team talking.

After trying to move around and being told bot to move Kakashi explains to his students that Zabuza is most definitely still alive. This has got the two boys on his team a little excited as they wanted a shot at Zabuza.

After there long talk and being informed that they will begin training again tomorrow, Kakashi noticed Suzuki's absence. His brows furrowed as he looked around the room, spotting her curled up in a ball covered in blankets shivering.

"What happened to Suzuki?" Kakashi asked concerned.

"We don't know. As soon as the battle was over she was unconscious and shivering. She hasn't woken up at all yet." Sakura says.

Kakashi motions to have Suzuki brought over to him and Sakura gently grabbed Suzuki and gave her to Kakashi. Kakashi cradled Suzuki in his arms trying to use his body heat to warm her up. He looked to Tsunami to warm up some towels and bring them to him.

It took a little while but Tsunami returned with the towels and Kakashi wrapped Suzuki in them. It helped a little as Suzuki wasn't shaking as bad and seemed to snuggle more into the warmth of the warm towels.

Later that night Tsunami had made food after bringing Kakashi some crutches that he could use in the mean time. After dinner Kakashi was sitting back in his room, Suzuki in his lap as he read. Suzuki still hasn't woken up though her shivering has gone down quite a bit. Sighing Kakashi decided to call it a night and sleep, tomorrow he'd be teaching his students how to better control their chairs by climbing trees.

Suzuki's P.O.V
Groggily I woke up shivering. Looking around the room I could tell it was pretty late as the sun wasn't out yet.

'How long have I been asleep?'

Spotting Kakashi laying down on a mat I slowly made my way over to him. Crawling under the covers I curl up under his arm for warmth. Ever since I got completely soaked my fire had dimmed a bit. It would be easier to just jump into a fire but this would work for now. I soon feel back asleep only to be woken up later by Kakashi picking me up. Looking at Kakashi he noticed I was awake finally and sighed.

"How are you feeling?" Kakashi asks as he scratches my head.

'Cold and tired.' I made my way up onto his shoulder.

Kakashi hummed as he got up and with the help of crutches made it down the stairs and to a table where food and his students were sitting. As he ate he pulled out some dried meats for me to eat and poured me some water as well. The three seemed to notice I was up but didn't say anything as I stayed curled up on Kakashi's shoulder. After eating Kakashi led the three out into the forest, he then began explaining what they'd be doing for training. Setting me down real quick, Kakashi made his way up the tree and stood upside down as he spoke. Throwing three kunai in front of the three he told them to start.

We watched the three as they practiced Sakura seeming to get it faster then the boys did. Kakashi was so kind to point that out and rile the two up to push themselves to improve. Eventually, Kakashi went back K to Tazuna's with me still on his shoulder and Sakura following. Kakashi told Sakura that she'd be watching over Tazuna at the bridge tomorrow while the boys continued to finish the tree climbing exercise.

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