Chunin Written Exams

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(I'm feeling very inspired right now to write, so I'm taking this opportunity of inspiration and writing as much as I can before i get stuck working. Also this will sorta make up from not posting anything for like, almost a month, I hope.... Enjoy!!!)

Right after the meeting Kakashi had his students meet up at the bridge in the village near the training grounds. As Kakashi and Suzuki arrived, Naruto and Sakura yelled at Kakashi for being late like usual. Getting to business Kakashi tells them that he has signed them up for the up coming Chunin exams that are to take place shortly. Sasuke seemed confident and excited, Naruto was the easiest to tell he was excited about joining, he was jumping all over the place before hugging Kakashi. 

"Hey let go! you're getting drool on my vest!" Kakashi complained as he was eventually able to shove Naruto off of him.

Suzuki only sat to the side snickering at Kakashi's misfortune. 

Sakura looked down at the form with a slight frown, she didn't seem so sure about competing in the exams like the other two did. 

"Whether you want to take the exams or not is completely up to you guys. you'll have to turn in those form tomorrow at the location on your forms tomorrow morning. That's all, you're dismissed." 

With that Kakashi picked up Suzuki before poofing away. After tonight the group would be showing up at the place of the exams for testing, though that is if Sakura decides to show up and go through with the exams. If not, the boys will be prevented from competing in the exams until the next one.

'Kakashi-San, do you think they will all show up for the exam tomorrow morning?' Suzuki asked as she trotted next to Kakashi.

"I don't know, but I hope they will. Though their team work has gotten worse, individually they have all improved in some way." Kakashi sighed. "Also, we have some training to do, you're healthy, so that means we can continue your training again." 

Suzuki groaned as she began to drag her paws. She was really hoping to have a little longer before having to get back into training. Kakashi never makes it easy for her as he wants her to improve and do her best.

-Morning of the Exam!!-

Kakashi and a sleeping Suzuki were waiting in front of the doors to the exam building. To say that Kakashi was glad that Sakura decided to come was an understatement. 

"I'm glad you decided to take the exams, Sakura."

"Huh?" the three looked at Kakashi in question.

"I may have said that it was your decision that you can take the exam and that is true, but all three member of the team need to take the exam in order to compete." Kakashi smiled under his mask.

"HUH?!" the three nearly yelled, more Naruto and Sakura then Sasuke.

With that, Kakashi left to wait for them at the door to the exam room. Suzuki was still asleep on his shoulders though his students were pretty loud just a minute or so ago. While waiting Suzuki finally woke up, catching Kakashi's attention. Hoping down from his shoulders, Suzuki stretched before shaking out her fur. 

'I'm gonna have a look around!' Suzuki exclaimed as she began trotting down the halls of the building.

Kakashi only sighed as he shook his head as he watched her go. She was gonna cause so many issues if she runs into someone or something that scares her, though Kakashi supposed he would deal with that later when it actually happened.

With a jump in her steps, Suzuki eventually found a room that had a bunch of Chunin and Jounin. They were talking and going over some stuff so Suzuki supposed that it was for the written part of the exam that was to take place here in a moment. Tilting her head to the side she watched them all talk before a kunai suddenly landed in front of her, scaring her. Suzuki yelped as she jumped, fire covering her and slightly singing the floor where she stood.

"And what are you doing here?" a deep voice spoke from above Suzuki.

Looking up, Suzuki meet the eyes and a rather large and terrifying man. His face was covered in scars, his headband was being used as a bandanna that covered his entire head. At first he frightened Suzuki, but then she was reminded of Kuromaru and leaped at the man, landing on his shoulder. Suzuki rubbed her head on the side of the mans head making a purring sound. Suddenly Suzuki was picked up the the scruff and held in front of the mans face, his eyes were narrowed on her.

"Ibiki-San, that is Kakashi-San's newest ninken. She was with him at the meeting with the Hokage yesterday." One of the younger Chunin informed Ibiki.

"Kakashi's huh? He needs to keep better watch of his little furry friend." Ibiki went to drop Suzuki.

Before she could drop to the the floor she used a small fire blast to send herself towards Ibiki, landing on his shoulder once more. Ibiki seemed annoyed at this point while the other ninja were trying their best not to laugh at the scene happening in front of them. One of the other Jounin picked her up to remove her before she angered Ibiki, but the moment Suzuki seen the person touching her she turned towards them and puffed out a burst of flame in the mans face. It wasn't hot enough to hurt him or anything, just slightly singe his hair. For a moment everyone just stood there in silence before bursting out laughing, Ibiki even smirked towards Suzuki.

"Well, the little fur ball has spunk." Ibiki commented still smirking.

Suzuki wiggled her way free from the singed ninja, jumping back up onto Ibiki's shoulder. This slightly disturbed the ninja as they weren't expecting Ibiki to end up liking the little fire breathing fox. With that Ibiki appeared in the exam room glaring at everyone reminding the sound ninja of the rules unless they wanted to be disqualified. A few of the Leaf ninja recognized Suzuki sitting on Ibiki's shoulder and stared at her in surprise. 

Ibiki had the examines draw numbers to find their seating, handing out papers, Ibiki explained the rules before setting the time. Suzuki tilted her head as she watch everyone. Ibiki was also watching Suzuki every now and then, seeing what she would do. As time dwindled down the proctors began calling out teams for failing and telling them to leave. When one began to argue back Suzuki hopped down from Ibiki's shoulder and up onto the desk in front of the complaining ninja. The ninja had looked down at Suzuki with a raised brow, Suzuki glanced at Ibiki before turning back to the ninja. Inhaling deeply, Suzuki blasted fire at the ninja, making him scream and fall back, only to be seen singed by the fire. Smirking impishly, Suzuki waltzed back over towards Ibiki, sitting on the desk next to him. Ibiki smirked down at the little fox creature, tempted to just steal her from Kakashi.

As the test continued after the team left, Ibiki began explaining the 10th question of the test, telling them that if they decided to stay and take it and they failed they wouldn't be able to become a Chunin ever, or they could leave now and try again next time. This had managed to get rid of a lot of the teams before Naruto made a speech about not backing down as that's his ninja way. Suzuki smiled at Team 7 before a woman came crashing through the window of the room. This exam was already getting interesting and Suzuki was loving that she could get away with causing some trouble since Ibiki hasn't said anything against her blasting fire at anyone yet. Oh yes, great fun indeed.

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