Recovery Mission!

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That night Sasuke had everything he would need pack before leaving. It was an almost perfect escape if Sakura hadn't been there waiting for him, pleading for him not to leave. Not listening to a work she said, Sasuke resorted to knocking her out so he can leave without her following him. Leaving the village behind he meets up with the sound four.

When Tsunade got word of Sasuke's leave she was short on personnel that would be appropriate for an A rank mission. Left with no other option, she decides Shikamaru will lead this mission with his pick of any Genin that he thinks he may need, even suggesting to have Naruto on the team. Shikamaru had chosen Choji, Naruto suggesting Shino, Kiba having over heard their conversation explained that Shino is gone on a mission and that he and Akamaru would volunteer in Shino's place.

When word gets around about the mission, Lee suggests that they take Neji with them as well.When the team gets ready to leave the village, Sakura appears offering her service, though Shikamaru declines her offer. Saying her attempts the night before had failed, the only option now was to use force, a task that Sakura was not suited for with how much she cares for Sasuke. Shikamaru then begins to make a travel formation for them to travel in while tracking Sasuke. 

Kiba and Akamaru would lead, tracking Sasuke's scent and keeping watch for traps. Shikamaru would be behind Kiba to provide quick orders when the situation called for it. Naruto would be in the middle, ready for any threats with his shadow clones while watching the left. Choji behind Naruto, being the physically strongest, would be the final blow to any surprise attacks while watching right. Neji at the rear, keeping watch from any blind spots in the formation with the use of his Byakugan.

The Recovery Team soon find the Sound Four with Sasuke, Kiba using a smoke bomb makes it to were Shikamaru can stop them with his Shadow Imitation Technique. The plan works, but Shikamaru didn't account the presence of Ukon, Ukon attacks Shikamaru, forcing him to release his shadows and enabling Jirobo to imprison them.

Managing to escape from Jirobo's prison, Choji volunteers to stay behind and take care of Jirobo while the others continue forwards after the Sound Four. Choji manages to kill Jirobo, though is to tired to join the rest of the group. Catching up with the Sound they try to trick the recovery team into thinking Jirobo was back, discovering the Sounds rouse, they are caught in Kidomaru's webbing. Neji being able to neutralise Kidomaru's webs volunteers to stay behind and fight. Neji tells the others how they will probably keep having to split up like this. Killing Kidomaru, Neji wins, though unable to join the other like Choji due to injuries he received. 

Naruto, Kiba, Akamaru, and Shikamaru are able to get the coffin that Sasuke in being transported in, the teams being split up. Shikamaru stays behind to deal with Tayuya, while Naruto continues on with Sasuke. Naruto runs into Kimimaro, another of Orochimaru's subordinates, Sasuke emerges from the coffin continuing alone to Orochimaru. Lee shows up so Naruto can continue after Sasuke. Kiba and Akamaru run into Ukon and Sakon, having to fight. Shikamaru, Kiba, and Lee are nearly killed in their fight, saved only by the arrival of the Sand Siblings. 

Konkuro kills Ukon and Sakon, Temari kills Tayuya, and Gaara keeps Kimimaro at bay until he dies of a preexisting illness. Naruto follows Sasuke to The Valley of the End trying to convince Sasuke to return to the village.When Naruto's attempt fails the two engage in combat. Naruto unwilling to kill Sasuke is rendered unconscious, Sasuke, despite several attempts to kill Naruto, spares him, continuing on his way to Orochimaru. The Recovery Teams mission then becomes a failure to stop Sasuke.

Tusnade sends out Medic ninja, The recovery team being brought back for recovery. Tsunade healing Choji from his use of the three colored pills. Neji, constant care and healing due to his sever injuries. Kiba and Akamaru are healed by his sister Hana, though they will have a long recovery. Shikamaru's only injury, a self inflicted broken finger, contemplates giving up the shinobi life as the mission was a complete disaster, though is convinced otherwise by his dad to take it as a learning experience. 

(A/N: This has been the most detailed yet boring chapter in my opinion... Sorry. But i wasn't really sure how to get all this information the chapter without it being boring and putting something more uplifting in it. Also, while going through and fixing stuff I've noticed a few things. 1-I was spelling Asuma's name wrong the entire time!!! OH MY FREAKING JASHIN!! 2-my writing style changed over the coarse of the chapters, bot gonna complain about that to much. And 3-I totally should have fixed those mistakes sooner....My laziness is terrible! I just wanted to write another chapter but told myself I couldn't put off fixing stuff any longer and DAMN did the list grow!!)

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