The Crow and the Shark

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(A/N: This is gonna be a super short chapter! I'm just putting something out there cause it's been a while since I've had any time to write! Things have been super busy at work and I've been taking on more hours since two people have quite. Thank you all for waiting even for this short....short....short chapter. I hope to start getting some time soon, maybe... to write some more! X3)

Days had passed after the funeral in Konoha, the village had began to work on getting fixed back up from what damages were caused during the attack. Suzuki wondered around the village as Kakashi had left to go meet with Sasuke and talk with him. Aimlessly walking about, Suzuki bumps into someones leg, tumbling back and landing on her butt. Looking up, Suzuki is met with the yellow eyes of a blue skinned man wearing a black cloak with red clouds and a hat covering most of his face.

"Hm? What's this?" The man asks looking down at Suzuki.

Tilting her head, Suzuki looks to the shorter man standing next to the blue man wearing the same cloak and hat. Shaking her fur out Suzuki stands back up, looking at the two. The shorter out of the two men pick Suzuki up.

"What are you doing, Itachi?" The blue man spoke quietly.

"Hn. Let's go, Kisame." Itachi spoke carrying Suzuki in his arms.

Suzuki not feeling threatened, snuggled up in Itachi's arms. Soon the two arrived at a tea shop, both ordering tea and dango. Suzuki started at the sweets when they arrived, Itachi noticing this gave Suzuki one of his dango. Leaping over on the table, Suzuki sat in front of Kisame also wanting something. Kisame shook his head before patting her on the head. Pouting slightly Suzuki settles for just the head pat before seeing Kakashi arrive outside. she noticed he kept glancing over at the two she was sitting with and them he saw her with them she swore he seemed to almost have a heat attack.

Soon Asuma and Kurenai showed up and were talking. When they all glanced over, their eyes widened. Itachi and Kisame then got up to leave, Itachi picking up Suzuki as he stood. Tilting her head to the side they left just as Sasuke was showing up. As the two Akatsuki members made their way through town, they were stopped by Kakashi, Asuma, and Kurenai. 

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