Chapter 20: Surprised

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We made our way back downstairs and as we sat at the long dinner table it was all I could do to not look in Ron's direction. Just one connection with his eyes would surely send me into complete hysterics. Thankfully, Mr. Weasley started to say grace and I bent my head and closed my eyes realizing how thankful I was for everything I had in my life. Dinner was delicious as usual-Mrs. Weasley was an amazing cook. Afterwards all the kids went into the living room where Fred and George showed us various joke items they had created.

Harry wondered off at some point and I watched as Sirius followed him into one of the rooms. I felt good knowing Harry had someone with whom he could talk about his parents-someone who really knew Lily and James. The two of them were lost souls to the world and when we cleared Sirius' charges I knew Harry would move in with him and finally have a family outside of Ron and me.

When it was time for bed, Cedric walked me up to my room and kissed me chastely before turning around with a sly smile ghosting his lips. I wasn't entirely sure I could go the entire holiday without being with him. Becoming one. I craved him in a way that was almost unhealthy but I couldn't think of anyone I'd rather trust then Cedric. My heart was fully entrusted to him as was my soul.

Ginny was waiting in bed when I walked into the room. Her legs were pulled tightly to her chest and her eyes seemed to be puffy with tears. She looked up upon hearing my entrance and quickly rubbed at her eyes. I crossed the tiny room to her bed within seconds and wrapped my arms around her.

"What's wrong?"

She sniffed. "Harry. I just don't know why I try anymore."

"Because you like him. What's bringing all this on? Did something happen?"

"I overheard him talking with Ron about Cho Chang. He really fancies her."

Rather than lie to her I decided to tell her the truth. A few tears fell from her eyes but I saw a newfound strength take hold over her. If Ginny wanted to rid herself of her obsession with Harry this was what she needed to hear. Plus, if I was correct in my assumptions I'd say I wasn't the only one to begin a love story at the Yule Ball.

We talked for a while longer before sleep got the better of us and we both crashed on the tiny twin bed that Ginny slept on. My arms stayed around her tiny frame until morning but knowing that she would take comfort in my care for her was enough for me to forget the aches it brought to my body.
Our holiday away from Hogwarts was passing pretty quickly but being cramped in Headquarters was enough to drive anyone mad. I had caught up on all my reading-school and otherwise-and was no left with nothing to do but admire Cedric's features. Not that I minded that much. Every now and again Cedric would catch me looking and wink towards me causing a blush to course through my entire body, heating me from the inside.

I needed to get out of this house and have my way with him.

This task was just about impossible with our safety being put at risk if we so much as crossed the threshold. The day before Cedric's parents had come to headquarter having finished their "mission" and now all that was missing was my Mum and Dad. I longed to see them but I knew I couldn't put them in that kind of danger. When an owl would come with a letter from them I'd run up to my room and enjoy the few precious moments I had being tied to them.

Today was New Year's Eve and the house was alight with preparations for the party. All of the Order was there and it was going to be a grand affair full with party dresses and dress robes for the men. I had a black dress that stopped mid-thigh and had a bow cinching it at the waist. The top was covered with sparkles and the bottom half was all ruffles. I colored my lips with a deep shade of pink and finished up my makeup before making my way downstairs.

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