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I hopped from rooftop to rooftop, my feet flying across the gravel that lined the roofs. I looked at the screen on my goggles, leading me through the streets as I ran. I kept going, my feet seeming to take me somewhere I didn't know. My feet skidded to a stop as I saw a blaring blue light coming from the inside of a glass walled building. A group of men in Avengers masks stood inside, using some piece of equipment to pull out the front of an ATM. I had a moment of hesitation.
Maybe this is a bad idea. I should really just leave this to the professionals. I mean, Spider-Man has this under control, right?
A loud banging brought me out of my thoughts. I watched as Spider-Man was slammed around, struggling to keep up. I let out a sigh.

"Alright, let's see what these babies can do." I flicked my hands against my sides, the gloves powering up with a quiet whirr. The lazer shot up into the air, making a hole in the roof. I let out a smirk and hopped onto the fire escape, carefully pulling my body onto the roof. I sighed as I jumped down, my sneakers hitting the floor with a thump. I looked up, giggling a little at the compromising situation.

Spider-Man was suspended in the air, a shocked and confused expression showing through the eyes of his mask. I let out a smirk.
"Cool tech guys! Mind if I borrow it for a second?" I shot a bolt of electricity from my hand, hitting the piece of equipment in the man's hand. The gun-like tool shorted out and electrocuted the man, sending him flying back into the wall. Spider-Man fell down to the ground, letting out a groan. I looked at my hands and smiled a bit, running over to help Spider-Man up. I reached my hand down, holding it out for him to take.
"Thought you might need a little help with-"
"Duck!" He yelled and I ducked down, turning as he shot a web at an approaching robber. I hopped back up, pushing Spider-Man down by his shoulder abruptly as another man came up behind him. I grabbed the robbers arm, sending a shockwave through it. He yelped and stumbled back, gripping his arm tightly. I stood up straight, turning around so my back was against Spider-Man's.
"So you shoot sparks out of your hands?" Spider-Man turned his head and spoke to me as he shot the robbers with his webs.
"Yep. And don't ask me to explain how or why because its a long story." I stunned a few guys and swapped spots with Spider-Man, knocking out the guys who he'd webbed up while he webbed up the ones I stunned.
"I mean, it's pretty cool. I wish I had the power of electricity, that would be kinda cool. Yah know, maybe-"
"You talk alot." I stood in front of him and adjusted my hood, crossing my arms over my chest.
"Yeah, its a bit of a bad habit of mine." I chuckled a bit as he nervously rubbed the back of his neck. My eyes widened as one of the men stood up, machine raised. I moved my hands to shoot a rod of electricity at the machine, but all that came out was a few sputtering sparks.
"Oh shi-" The machine powered up and I jumped off the wall, gripping onto the edge of the hole in the roof. I pulled myself up, sitting on the roof. I let out a laugh at the man but jumped when I heard an explosion. I watched as the building across the street caught on fire, Spider-Man rushing over to help. I hopped back down into the bank, searching around for the man. I shot a quick blast at him, knocking him unconscious and rendering his laser gun or whatever it was useless. I left him there, grabbing a sticky note off the desk in the corner of the building. I picked up the pen, quickly writing a poorly scribbled message on it.

Careful with the weapons. Might wanna lock em up in a special evidence locker or give them to Damage Control. They also may be a small electrocution hazard.
I need someway to sign the note. I searched through my head to find a decent name, running through several different names in my head. My mind kept running back to what Spider-Man told me.
"So basically you shoot sparks out of your hands?"
I scribbled a messy signature of the name Spark at the bottom, sticking the note against the robbers forehead. I popped back up through the hole in the roof, laughing at the almost absurd sight of Spider-Man carrying a cat out of the burning building and to the man sitting on the curb. I turned off my gloves, fixing my bandana and turning to head back in the direction I came from.
"Wow, leaving already? I don't even know your name." I turned back around, smirking under my bandana.
"Spark. Name's Spark." I turned to leave again but was stopped by a firm grip on my arm. I turned, Spider-Man's face dangerously close to mine.
"Will I ever see you again then?" I let out a small giggle when he asked, a tone of desperation in his voice.
"Hopefully. Under less...dangerous circumstances." He slowly released his grip on me. I moved my body to turn towards the direction of my apartment building, turning my head back as I fixed my goggles. I pushed a stray hair under the hood and let out a smile. "See yah round Spidey." And with that, I jumped off to the fire escape of the next building.


My legs ached. My arms ached. My feet ached. Everything ached. After the night I had, I just wanted to lay in bed all day and sleep. I trudged through the hallways of the high school, my head down and legs dragging across the ground. I walked into the cafeteria, quickly grabbing my lunch and walking to the table. I dropped the tray in front of me, setting myself down tiredly on the bench. I laid my head on my hands, closing my eyes.

"Dude, you look like shit." I opened my eyes tiredly as Ned's voice pounded like drums.
"Thanks Ned. That's exactly what I wanted to hear when I feel like I'm going to collapse." I hadn't even realized Peter was sitting at the table until he let out a chuckle. I looked up and gasped.
"Peter, what happened to your face?" His face was littered in bruises, a tiny cut on his neck. It didn't look too severe and the bruises weren't bad, but it was still a sight to see.
"Nice to see you too." He let out a laugh and turned a serious expression when he saw my concern. "I just, uh, ran into some trouble."
"Why didn't you come by? I would have patched you up."
"It was late and I didn't wanna disturb you." He glanced down at my arms. "What the hell happened to your arms?" I glanced down and hid them under the table.

When I got home last night and peeled off the suit, I noticed the injuries I hadn't registered having. It seemed that using my powers affected my body in ways that weren't fatal, but were definitely damaging. My arms had a few slight "burn marks," the kind that appear on the skin when you get electrically shocked. There weren't nearly as many now as there were before, showing I had some sort of tissue regeneration.

"Uhm, I was just working on something and got shocked. I'm fine, it's nothing too bad." I glanced down at the ground, fidgeting with my hands. My eyes slightly widened as a thought crossed my mind.
Who am I supposed to tell about this? I can't tell Peter, he'll think I'm a freak. Ned will tell everyone. My parents can't know because they'll send me to a mental asylum or something. I should at least tell Spider-Man, right? I mean, he deserves to know his tech guy is working with him....right?
I came to the conclusion that this had to be a secret for now. Maybe forever, even. I just tuned back into the conversation and continued laughing. I mean, I can still live my life normally, right?

No. I was completely, and utterly, wrong.

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