A very angry authors note

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In case you guys haven't heard, some shit is going on with Marvel and Song regarding the Spider-Man franchise. Basically, because Sony didn't want to share 50% of the money with Disney for the character franchise, Sony now controls Spider-Man again.

And we all saw how that went last time (example, Amazing Spider-Man 1-2).

They've cut ties from the person who's made THE MOST MONEY in history for Sony and ruined their top seller. Sony already had the rights to EVERY SINGLE OTHER SPIDER-MAN CHARACTER IN EXISTENCE but because of a few extra dollars they're cutting ties with Marvel/Disney.

There are two more movies scheduled and Tom Holland is reportedly stay on as Spider-Man and they're keeping the same director, but it is definitely not gonna be the same. The movies will suck ass because lately Sony has been ruining everything great about the Spider-Verse including Venom.

So good luck Sony.
Yah played yourself.

Ps. I'm not gonna stop watching, I'm just pissed.

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