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My eyes opened slowly, adjusting to the sudden light streaming in through my window. I stretched my arms out as I stood up from my bed. My feet shuffled over to my closet, opening it up to grab my clothes for school today. I pick out a simple outfit of jeans and t-shirt, brushing my hair before grabbing my backpack and sitting down at the kitchen table.
I ate quickly, not uttering a word to my mom or dad the whole time. I grabbed my backpack and left the house, my feet quickly moving down the stairs. My walk down to the subway station was like it usually was; weaving through businessmen in suits and students late for school rushing with their backpack.
I was tired, and that was no understatement. I was up all night last night, wide awake while running through every decision I'd made last night. I sighed as I walked down the street, my feet dragging against the concrete as I made my way to the school. I turned as I heard someone call my name as my eyes scanned the crowd. Peter came running down the street, out of breath and slightly sweaty.
"Did you run all the way here?" I laughed as he nodded.
"Yeah, yeah I did." A wide smile was etched onto his face as he stood up and we continued walking.
"What's got you all happy and giddy?" I smiled at him as he smiled at me.
"Nothing it's just...something happened last night that made me pretty happy." I felt the large smile creep onto my face. "What are you all smiley for?"
I looked down at the ground as my cheeks turned red.
"Nothing. Nothing. Something...uh, something happened last night for me too." The familiar tingling sensation flew through my body as I looked up, and I could tell my eyes had already changed color. I'd figured out the whole "mood electricity" thing, but not how to control it.
Me and Peter walked to the school having giggly conversations about nothing. He'd ramble on about something he used to do, I'd drone on about some book I read a week ago. It was always so easy to talk to him, like all of our conversations were written down, scripted, and rehearsed weeks before we even spoke them.

The two of us walked through the wide doors of the school building. The hallways were more crowded than usual, but we managed to dodge and weave through all the people. I stopped at my locker to grab my books, Peter following me and leaning against the neighboring locker.
"Don't you have to go to your locker?" He shrugged.
"I'll go after class. I wanted to keep you company." I blushed again as he smiled at me. I bumped his shoulder.
"Whatever, Parker. Enjoy running across the school to get to Spanish." He sighed and facepalmed as he remembered his schedule for the day. I just laughed and walked into the biology room with Peter at my side.

"So, I was wondering if I could maybe come over to your house after school today? I have this thing I wanna check out but I don't think the school has the right equipment."
"And what makes you think I do?" I let out a chuckle.
"I've seen your room. You have what I need." We both laughed as I told him it was okay for him to come over.
The bell rang and the teacher stood up at the front of the class, explaining today's lesson on the bored.


"Name three chemicals involved in the feeling of 'love'." I rang the bell for the answer as Liz looked down at the card.
"Dopamine, noranephrin, and serotonin."
"That is correct." I sat up straighter and smiled. Flash gave me a glare as his hand hovered an inch over the bell. I gave him a smirk before he started fuming with anger.
"Alright guys, we're gonna take a break." I stood up from the chair and went to go grab my water from the table.

"You think you're so smart, huh?"
"And you think your so badass, huh?" I turned around to look Flash straight in the eyes. "Your tough act isn't fooling anyone. Maybe try being nice to someone for once." I turned to walk away but felt a hand clasp around my wrist and pull me back. My body started to buzz, feeling like a thousand flies were in my stomach. I watched Peter's head snap to me out of the corner of my eye, face contorting in some mix of worry and anger.
"I don't like being talked to like that." His face was red hot with anger, practically foaming at the mouth. "You either drop out of the competition or I make you." I started to shake in fear. Yeah I was a superhero and had powers and all, but I hide behind a mask for more than just to hide myself. Without my mask, I feel scared and powerless.
"Hey, hands off her Flash." Peter came up behind me, anger evident on his face.
"Yeah? And what are you gonna do about it Parker?" His grip on my wrist tightened.
"I said, let her go." I could hear the venom and threats dripping from every word Peter spoke. This didn't look like the Peter I'd known for so long. No, this was Spider-Man, just without the mask. Flash's grip became so tight the my arm hurt, face contorting in a look of pure pain. It didn't help that my arm was still extremely sore from patrol yesterday afternoon. My arm started to burn, the electricity pumping through it.
"And I said, what are you gonna do about it?" Before any of us could register what was happening, Peter had Flash pinned against the wall with his forearm, locking him in place as his grip on my arm released. I collapsed into a chair, holding my arm in pain. Flash could barely move, trying to wiggle free.

𝓈𝓊𝓃𝒻𝓁𝑜𝓌𝑒𝓇 | p.p. x reader | book one.Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat